Chapter 40

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Chapter 40>> Bright Lights.

Song of The Chapter>> Heaven by DJ Sammy (slow version).

Bright Lights.

Her eyes flickered open and were blinded by white and bright lights. She raised her hands up to shield her eyes and allow them to adjust. She pulled her body up into a sitting position and her head bounced off of something else. "Baby, what are you doing here?" Asked the voice who rubbed their head and sat beside her.

"Freddie?" Orion asked and the man nodded. "Where are we?"

"I don't know, but it seems like we both broke our promises." Fred chuckled pulling her into a hug. "And it looks like the common room."

Orion nodded, "Yeah it does. Wait who is that?" She asked and pointed at the two people sat on the love seat, one redhead one brunette. "Excuse me?"

The two turned around and she noticed a woman who looked much like herself and a man who looked exactly look Harry. "Oh, sweetheart, it's lovely to see you again, despite the awful circumstances." Said the woman as she stood up. "I'm your aunt Lily."

"And I guess you are her uncle James?" Fred asked his hands in Orion's.

The man nodded and glared at Fred, "I will kill you again if you hurt her."

Fred chuckled and nodded,"I don't doubt that. But where is this place?"

Lily and James sat down with Orion and Fred opposite them. "This is the between. You get a second chance you know, to live or die? Except some prick didn't give us one." Said James, "But you two have a choice."

"A choice? So we can choose to go back?" Lily nodded, "But what will happen if we don't?"

"Then Ry, we would hurt our family and friends, but if we go back, we can do everything we planned, like get smashed with the others and then marry." Fred turned to Ryan, "You want that don't you?" He looked at her with pleading eyes, "You do still want to get married don't you?"

Orion nodded, "Of course it's just-"

"Just what sweetheart? You are young, go back and grow old." Lily smiled, "We'll be here to welcome you when it's your time but it's not your time."

Orion nodded and stared at Fred, "You are coming back aren't you?"

"Duh! Munchkin, you can be so thick sometimes."Fred laughed, "Now let's go back and let's get smashed... and married of course." The man saluted Lily and James as they faded away, the pair blowing kisses at their niece. The bright lights faded and their eyes closed once more, the air sucking from their lungs once more.

* * *

It was all over.

Harry had defeated Voldemort and once again the large group of friends and family crowded around Fred and Orion who still laid lifeless on the cold, stone floor of the Great Hall. Everyone else of the group was alive except them, Remus, Tonks, Sirius, Harry, Ron, everyone. George sat between the two bodies clutching their limp hands. "Come back, please." He begged once more, Lee sat beside him holding onto him. "Please."

The group all mourned and were crying over the bodies, but stopped once a cough rang in their ears. George's eyes darted down to the owner of a cough. "Fuck this shit." They spluttered.

"Freddie." George breathed in relief. "How are you feeling Freddie?"

"Not saint-like that's for sure." He muttered opening his eyes. "Can you please help me up, this floor is not comfortable as we established when someone decided to break into our common room."He said and glanced at Sirius who chuckled dryly. Lee and George held his arms and pulled him up into a sitting position. "Now where is my fiancé? Why isn't she crying over my death bed?"

George looked down before looking towards Orion's still body. Fred spun to face her. "you said we'd be coming back together." He whispered, clutching her hand. "Don't be a bitch, wake the hell up." Just like magic she too cough and her eyes fluttered open. "Thank Merlin."

"I am not a bitch you prick." She said, "I'll have you know, that's a fact."

Sirius, Remus and Harry all fell next to her and hugged her as they sat up. "Are you okay?" Remus asked, "You look faint."

"So would you Moony if you stopped breathing!" Commented Sirius. "But honestly are you okay?"

"My head hurts a lot." She said, "And my chest hurts. Does yours?" She turned to Fred who shook his head.

Fortunately, Madam Pomfrey pushed through and got to the pair, she checked over Fred and gave him the all clear but looked positively worried when she turned to Orion. She checked her heartbeat in worry. "Do you feel as if you are going to pass out?" Orion nodded and gripped tightly onto Fred's hand. She used a few spells but nothing seemed to work. the girl started to rock involuntary as her eyes closed and opened slowly.

Madam Pomfrey summoned a potion and told her to drink it, with the help of Fred who held onto the vial. She shook her head gagging,, "No more." She said weakly.

"You need it, Ry, please." Begged Fred. "It's only a little bit."He tipped the vial up more allowing the liquid to fall through her lips and down her throat. "There we go, beautiful, just a bit more." She finished the potion and her head fell onto Harry's shoulder.

She started shaking and Harry grabbed onto her, "What's happening? Why aren't you doing something?" He cried at the healer. Madam Pomfrey just simply watched and waited for her to stop. Orion eventually stopped and she looked up. Her eyes looked brighter and her skin returned to colour. Harry hugged his cousin tightly before letting her godfathers hug her.

"You gave us a right scare, you two did." Said Bill bringing his brother and future sister-in-law into his embrace.

"I think that's our speciality." Grinned Fred.

All was well.

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