Chapter 50

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Chapter 50>> Getting Ready.

Song of the Chapter>> Wedding Song by Tracy Chapman

July 21st.

It was July twenty-fucking-first. The day Orion Waterstone would turn Orion Weasley and the day Fred would make that happen. The night prior All of the men in the house had been commanded to leave and go to the Waterstone residence for the night. Andromeda was to look after Teddy for the night so that one, Tonks could rest, and two Remus could at least attempt to sleep without worrying about his son and goddaughter. Molly had woken everyone up super early for breakfast dropping off some for the men then eating hers. "Ryan, dear, why aren't you eating?" She asked the bride who was staring at her plate. 

"I feel sick," She claimed before running off to the bathroom, Angelina behind her to hold her hair up. 

"It's just nerves." Said her friend, "You'll be fine once you get the dress on." She rubbed her back and handed her her toothbrush. "I can't believe you're getting married to Fred."

"Er- remember when you two dated." Orion chuckled. 

Angelina shoved her slightly, "Wouldn't marry him though."

The two girls laughed and once Orion had finished brushing her teeth and washing her face. Angelina left the room so that she could shower. Once finished she stepped out, wrapped a towel around herself and used magic to dry her hair. She plodded to the twins' room where her dress was now hung on the door of the wardrobe. Molly entered and helped her to put her dress on. "Do you want me to get one of the girls to do your hair and makeup, I would do it but I can just about use lipstick myself." Molly grinned wiping her eyes with her hankie as she started tearing up. 

"I'm okay thanks, Molly, I think I can manage."

Molly nodded, excusing herself just as the bridesmaids entered the room to slip their dresses on and do their hair and makeup. Orion had just started with her makeup going for a nude eye and lip with winged eyeliner. Simple but elegant. She then curled her hair and braided it partly around the back so half of her hair was still flowing loose. She slipped on her shoes before Alicia helped her to put the veil on. 

The girls stared at her in awe, in their short teal dresses, as she grabbed the two clothing bags that still were hung up. "Absolutely stunning." Hermione smiled at her. Orion winked before exiting the room and carefully going downstairs to greet Arthur, Remus and Sirius who had just arrived. Molly was ushering guests into the tent outside in the garden with the help of Tonks and Fleur. The three men's mouths dropped open as she entered the room. "Merlin's beard." Gushed Arthur. "You look beautiful, dear."

"Thanks, now you two in your pyjamas, here are your robes, go get changed." She grinned turning to her godfathers and handing each of them a bag.  "You are our ring bearers because Teddy is too young." 

The two marauders smirked at each other and rushed to the nearest bedroom together to get changed. Excitedly, they pulled their robes out of the bags to find the long teal dresses Orion had bought as 'spare' for the girls. "What is she up to?"Sirius shook his head before pulling it on, "Zip it up will you, Moony?"

"Only if you do the same for me, Padfoot?"

"Of course gorgeous."Sirius winked over his shoulder as the zip was sealed and he did the same for Remus and the pair slipped on the teal flats that were also in the bag. "When I get married she is going to have to dress up like a dog, I swear."

Remus rolled his eyes and pushed his brother out of the room, following him slipping their wands into the hidden pockets of the dresses before heading downstairs where all of the bridesmaids were waiting along with Orion and Arthur. The girls and Arthur burst into giggles as the two showed off their dresses. "My golly, goddaughter dearest, this dress brings out my eyes. I love it." Exclaimed Remus as Sirius flipped his hair. Arthur handed them the rings on two small cushions before going to check to see if everyone was ready. 

"You two look great." Grinned Orion hugging them. "I love you guys." 

"And we love you, but I am being Sirius when I say, you are coming to my wedding in a dog costume." 

"And who is the lucky lady, Remus is taken?"Orion smirked. 

"I haven't thought that far yet, I am still heartbroken that he chose my cousin over me! After all we have been through, she wasn't the one comforting him when he was upset in school was she? No! She was too busy shitting in nappies then, I was there from the beginning!" Sirius cried shooting a playful glare at Remus. 

"Well, I'm pretty sure my great Aunt Muriel is free, Sirius," Ginny commented shrugging. 

The man pointed at her, "You're as bad as the prat Ryan is marrying you are."

Orion snorted just as Remus wrapped an arm around her shoulder, "James and Lily are here you know, they're watching over you. They would be so proud, if they were here they would be sobbing and jumping on your families graves. Sirius and I, despite thinking Fred, is a prat, we're glad it's him and not Malfoy or anyone else. We are proud of you so much."

"Thanks."She smiled kissing her godfathers cheeks. "By the way, Fred doesn't know you two are in dresses, all he knows is that you guys are holding the ring. I told him there would be a surprise."

Arthur returned and held out his arm for Orion, "It's time." 

She looped her arm with his and took a deep breath, "Let's do this."

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