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Soft pitter-patter of tiny feet were heard throughout the apartment as a tiny blonde ran to her parents room. Alura Danvers burst through the door and jumped onto her parents' bed, attempting to wake them up that morning. Mon-El groaned and playfully rolled onto his other side, pulling Alura with him and holding her close to his chest. She giggled and tried to get out of his grasp, leading to Kara waking up. The older blonde sat up and laughed at the sight that was her husband and daughter.

"What are you doing to her, Mon-El?" She asked lightly, an eyebrow raised. Mon-El looked up to her and smiled. Alura seized the moment and broke free from her father, crawling over to her mother who pulled her onto her lap. Kara looked back to her daughter with a smile. "And what are you doing up so early?" Alura's smile brightened. Kara brushed some of her daughter's hair out of her face. 

"Mommy, it's Christmas!" She cheered. Mon-El and Kara laughed. "C'mon, c'mon, c'mon!" Alura jumped down off the bed and ran into the living room. Kara and Mon-El turned to each other, a smile on their faces, and gave each other a kiss.

"Merry Christmas, Kara." Mon-El whispered against her lips before kissing her again. Kara sighed softly.

"Merry Christmas." She repeated before pulling away. "Are you going to get him or should I?" The two aliens looked over at the crib sitting at the other side of the room. 

"I can get him." Mon-El told her, looking back to his wife. "You can handle the other monster." Kara laughed as they both got out of bed. Mon-El stayed in the bedroom, walking over to the crib. "How you slept through your sister is beyond my understanding." He told the eighteen month old infant as Mon-El picked him up, cradling him in his arms. "But I bet you could sleep through the world exploding. Yeah, you can, can't you?" Mon-El asked in the baby voice that every parent has as he walked into the living room to find the other half of his family sitting on the couch and floor. Jeremiah kicked his little legs around, giving his father a gummy smile.

Mon-El walked over to Kara then sat down next to her after he picked up Jeremiah's stocking and a couple of his presents. Kara nodded for Alura to start opening her gifts which she was practically dying to do. The proud parents smiled as they watched their oldest kid rip through her presents with such enthusiasm. When Alura was done, Mon-El started opening Jeremiah's stuff for him which really consisted of baby clothes, some teething rings, and Puffs (those were his favorite snack). 

"What was your favorite gift, Ally?" Mon-El asked her. She looked at her pile of gifts before holding up her Supergirl Barbie that was still in the box for the time being. Kara smiled. "I'm glad you like your presents but why don't you go get the one for mommy?" Alura nodded and walked over to the tree to get the remaining present. Kara turned to Mon-El, brows furrowed.

"I thought we agreed on no gifts?" She reminded. Mon-El nodded as he watched Alura walk up with the present. "Mon-El-" Kara started but Mon-El cut her off.

"Why don't you just open the gift before you say you want to take it back?" He told her while he shifted Jeremiah in his arms so he could see too. Kara carefully opened the present that was sitting on her lap before breaking out in a smile. It wasn't a store bought gift like she thought it was. Instead, it was a framed piece of paper with Mon-El's, Alura's, and Jeremiah's hand prints on it in different color paints. Kara looked up to Mon-El who was smiling smugly. "Still want to take it back?" Kara laughed and shook her head.

"No." She responded before giving him a kiss and pulling Alura in for a hug. "Thank you, Ally." Alura giggled before pulling away to go play with her toys. Kara turned to Jeremiah and played with his feet. "Thank you, too, Jemmy." He just gave her a gummy smile. She laughed and continued playing with her son. 

A couple hours later Alex and Maggie, Winn, J'onn and his father, Clark and Lois, and Lena and James arrived at the Danvers residence with presents for the two kids and some food for the party. Just to drive Alura crazy, they waited almost an hour before opening presents. As they all sat down, Kara couldn't help but smile at the perfect life hers turned out to be. She rested her head on Mon-El's shoulder and watched as Alura opened a gift from Winn. Mon-El turned to kiss the top of her head.

"This is perfect." Kara breathed out. Mon-El nodded.

"And to think, it almost never happened." He whispered. Kara pursed her lips; even though she managed to bring Mon-El back, she still didn't like being reminded that she almost lost him. Mon-El kissed her temple. "I love you, Kara Zor-El." She smiled.

"I love you too, Mon-El." She whispered back. "You three are my Kryptonite." Mon-El's eyes went wide. Kara knit her brows. "What?" 

"You just admitted that we're your weaknesses." He said. Kara nodded. "Aww, I'm your weakness." Kara playfully rolled her eyes. "You think of me as your weakness."

"Don't think too much into it." She remarked, looking from her husband to her daughter. He kissed her again, a smile on his face. Kara raised an eyebrow when she never found her son in the midst of her family and friends. "Where's my son?" She asked, earning almost everyone's attention. 

Lena was over in the kitchen getting a plate of crackers and Puffs for Jeremiah who she had in her arms. The infant gurgled at her, waving his arms around. She laughed softly as she turned back to the room, ready to join everyone else. However, everyone had their eyes trained on her. Lena raised an eyebrow.

"Did I do something wrong?" She asked, moving back to her spot next to James. The room erupted into laughter. 

"When did you get Jeremiah?" Maggie asked her. "Didn't I just pass him to Alex?" She looked to her redheaded girlfriend.

"I gave him to Winn when I handed out the presents with Alura." She responded. Maggie and Alex looked to Winn who shrugged.

"Alura needed help with one of the boxes so I handed him to J'onn." Kara stopped the endless game of I-passed-the-baby-to by standing up and taking her son from Lena. 

"Well next time you want to play hot potato with my child, let me know."  

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