221B- Johnlock

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Dr. John Watson woke up one morning, stretching his arms above his head as he stood up. Weirdly, he felt taller than when he went to bed the night prior. He took a few steps forward, thinking he was just disoriented, but he was still definitely taller. Confused, John decided to check it out.

He made his way over to the mirror that was hanging in the bathroom. Well, after he found the bathroom that was. This was definitely not his flat. John's, well not really his, eyes widened when he saw the reflection.

John's normal sandy blonde hair was most certainly now curly raven black. His brown eyes were now a mesmerizing blue. Everything about him had completely changed. As he started to calm down, he remembered what eventually happened to everyone. Normally they would swap bodies with their soulmate closer to the beginning of their twenties. This was not the case with John and. . . He stared into the reflection, trying to figure out who he was.

"Who the bloody hell am I?" He finally muttered to himself, throwing his hands down on the sink. Though he had to admit, he liked the sound of this person's voice. A minute later, a phone in the bedroom went off. John walked over to it and looked to see if he recognized the ID. Lucky him, whoever was trapped in his body decided to text John so he recognized the number. John let out a sigh of relief. He'd heard stories about soulmate switching when he was younger; some did not turn out as planned.

It appears that I've been trapped in your body, I'll meet you at the flat. SH

Good, good. Because a Greg Lestrade has been texting you about crime scenes. What do you do for a living? JW

You mean Gerald? SH
That's none of your concern what I do for a living. SH

No, it says Greg. JW
It definitely is my concern. You apparently are my soulmate. JW

Whatever, I'm on my way. SH

"So the initials of the person who belongs in this body are SH, good to know." John muttered, looking around the room. He had no idea where he was or who he was and it was starting to creep him out.

"Sherlock, are you feeling alright? I haven't heard you screaming about a case yet." A lady asked from the doorway to the flat. John walked out to find her standing there with a tray of tea. He smiled at her in greeting.

"Oh I'm quite alright, Miss. . ." John trailed off. She playfully rolled her eyes.

"Sherlock, you know what my name is." John looked around at the flat to find papers all over the place and everything a mess. Apparently his soulmate was a slob. "You better clean this up because for the last time, I'm not your housekeeper." The lady set down the tea and stood in front of John. He raised an eyebrow at the mess, turning his attention back to her.

"I'll try to remember that next time, Miss. . ." He trailed off again. She was starting to get confused now.

"Hudson. Mrs. Hudson, dear." She reminded. "Have you lost your memory?" John didn't know how to reply to that but it looked like Mrs. Hudson knew what happened. "Oh you didn't lose your memory, you switched bodies with your soulmate! That normally happens earlier in your life. Oh I don't think it matters, I'm just glad you finally switched!" She beamed. "I'm Mrs. Hudson, dear, and you are?"

"John Watson." That he knew how to answer and was relieved to hear the word roll off his tongue. "Doctor John Watson." He repeated, loving the sound.

"So Sherlock does have a soulmate! How lovely! I'm assuming you don't know where you are, would you like me to tell you?" John's smile grew as he nodded.

"That would be lovely." He admitted.

"You're at 221B Baker Street, this is Sherlock Holmes' flat, I'm sure you've heard of him before." John shook his head but she didn't seem to notice. "I'm the landlady here but Sherlock likes using me as a housekeeper though I sort of play along. Sherlock has an older brother, Mycroft is his name, but they don't get along well. Sherlock likes solving crimes with his high intellect though he can sometimes act like a dick. I hope that doesn't bother you." Mrs. Hudson rambled on. "Oh this is perfect! Sherlock has been needing a partner, both romantically and for solving crimes. You seem like the perfect man for him." John chuckled.

"I've barely made out a word. How do I seem like the perfect man for him?"

"Because you haven't said a word!" John gave her a look of pure confusion. She laughed. "Sherlock needs someone who's a good listener. He tends to ramble on a lot."

"Thank you for that lovely introduction, Mrs. Hudson, but I think John and I will like to get to know each other the old fashion way." Sherlock, still trapped inside John's body, told the landlady from the doorway. John looked over to find his soulmate trapped inside his body. The whole thing sent shivers down John's spine; looking at yourself with that type of perspective was flat out weird.

"Oh you're cute." She remarked, looking to Sherlock. Both boys shouted her name. She laughed, waving them off. "Alright, alright. I'll give you two time to talk." With that, Mrs. Hudson left the flat to go do other things she needed done that day. Sherlock walked up to face John and held out his hand. John took it, it was the friendly thing to do anyway. Taking advantage of the situation, Sherlock pulled him in and give him a soft kiss, causing them to switch back into their normal bodies. John's eyes widened as shock over came him.

"Sherlock Holmes." The tall raven stood in front of John introduced. The blonde army doctor just nodded, his mouth feeling numb. "And you are. . .?" Sherlock prompted. John blinked, snapping out of his trance.

"John Watson." He introduced. "I'm John Watson." Sherlock nodded before kissing him again.

"I hope you're not easily disgusted, which you shouldn't be as you were an army doctor." John opened his mouth to say something but Sherlock continued. "We've got a lot of work to do back at Scotland Yard."

"How did you know I was a doctor?" Sherlock stares at him, one eyebrow raised.

"You don't know who I am." It was a statement which John found odd. He shook his head nonetheless. "Interesting. Well, we can talk more about this when we get back." Sherlock told him, grabbing his coat and scarf.

"Where are we going?" Sherlock paused and turned to John.

"Did you not hear a word I said? We're going to the Scotland Yard."

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