Before we part- Karamel

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Kara Danvers- or Zor-El depending on who you asked- brushed her hand against her thigh where three simple words were etched into her skin; three simple words that would be her soulmate's last ones to her. She hated the idea that they were stuck with their soulmate's last words. Or at least the last words they'll hear them say. And hers were so simple! Three words that didn't even go above five letters a piece. Written on the inside of her right thigh were the words 'I love you'.

Mon-El walked up to her with a bowl of popcorn, snapping her out of her thoughts. "Stop looking at those. They make no sense." He ordered her. She looked up at him and gave him a small smile.

"Everyone else loves the idea of finding their soulmate." She remarked sadly. "Too bad they have their soulmate's last words they say to them printed on them." Mon-El laughed a little before sitting next to her on her couch. Kara shrugged. "But hey, at least that means dating other people isn't frowned upon."

"That's always a plus side." He agreed, wrapping his arm around her, keeping her close to him. "Mine make no sense." Kara raised an eyebrow.

"Can I see them?" She asked. Mon-El pulled down his collar to revel the words blemishing it. Kara then read the words that she thought would drive Mon-El crazy when in reality they didn't. 'Here, here. Take this. This will keep you safe. I love you. And I should've said it before.' She scrunched her nose, looking back into his eyes. "You're right, they don't make any sense."

"Exactly! I don't get why everyone loves the idea of these words." Kara shrugged.

"Humans are weird." Mon-El and Kara started laughing just as Alex and Maggie walked in. Alex caught the last thing Kara said and stuck her tongue out at her. Kara retaliated, doing the same thing. Mon-El smiled softly, watching the siblings' interaction. 

"Not all humans are weird." Alex corrected her adoptive sister. Kara nodded as the two sat down across from Mon-El and Kara.

"You're right." She agreed. "Most humans are weird." She corrected. Alex nodded, liking the correction. "At least you've given up on the whole soulmate thing."

"There's not much I can do. I don't want to hear my words just yet." Alex turned to Maggie and kissed her cheek. "For right now, Maggie's my soulmate." Maggie smiled at Alex and turned to give her a proper kiss. Kara smiled before Mon-El decided to mimic the girls' actions. The blonde laughed, kissing back. After the four were done kissing, the respective couples snuggled together and started watching The Wizard of Oz.


Kara had just defeated Mon-El's mother but in doing so she let out this toxin that kills daxamites. She had saved the world, don't get her wrong, but that means Mon-El was slowly dying. Alex had prepared a pod for him to use to get away from Earth in which Kara and Mon-El were walking over to it.

"There's something I need to say." Mon-El told Kara. "Wherever I go, I'm gonna be better because of you. You'll be in my heart. I promise I'm gonna be the man that you thought I could be. I promise." Kara gave him a weak smile and held his head in her hands, him doing the same.

"Here, here. Take this." Kara said as she took off her mother's necklace, handing it to Mon-El. "This will keep you safe." The two gave each other a passionate kiss. "I love you. And I should've said it before."

"I love you." Mon-El said before Kara helped him into the pod.

The hatch closed and the pod was about to take off when Mon-El registered what Kara had said. He started banging on the pod hatch trying to get it to open. Kara was confused as to why he was pounding on the door before she registered the words Mon-El told her. She started helping him out with opening the hatch but it wouldn't budge; the hatch was stuck. The pod started to rise and with it, Kara. She was still trying to get it to open but she wasn't having much luck.

Eventually the pod rose too far up for Kara to catch up with. She fell to the ground and cried. Kara had found her soulmate in Mon-El but she only realized it when it was too late. Mon-El was still banging on the pod but couldn't get it to open. He gave up once he saw the stars and leaned back into the seat, tears streaming down his face.

Kara flew back to the DEO and ran over to Alex. Noticing how upset she was, Alex wrapped her arms around her younger sister and gave her a hug. Kara sobbed into Alex's chest as Alex stroked her hair.

"I know Mon-El meant a lot to you but, Kara, don't you think you're overreacting?" Alex whispered, trying to say it as gently as possible so Kara didn't hold onto her tighter and purposefully break a rib or two.

"You don't get it Alex." Kara cried out. "He's my soulmate. I-I killed my soulmate's mother today and I almost killed him. Alex, Mon-El can never come back to Earth and it's because of me." Alex continued to stroke Kara's hair as she slowly started rocking back and forth.

"Shh. . . Kara you did that to save the world. You did what was needed to be done. And you know as much as I that the words printed onto us aren't meant to change." Kara nodded and slowly stopped crying. "Fly back to your apartment, I'll meet you there once I'm done. I'll bring extra Chinese food." Kara laughed a little and set off to her apartment.

Having time to spare, Kara walked into her bedroom and found a picture of her and Mon-El. She picked it up and stared at it, a small smile tugging at her lips. Kara brushed her fingers along the photo before setting it down and whispering to herself.

"I'll find a way to bring you back. This isn't the end for us. Not yet."

My Forever and Always (Soulmate Aus)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz