Star quality- Stucky

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Steve Rogers slipped his soulmate locket on around his neck one day before heading out to school. His half of the locket was white and star shaped. Steve never quite figured out why his soulmate shape was a star, that was one of the more unique shapes. You typically found people with hearts- not stars.

James Barnes slipped his soulmate locket on around his neck that same day before heading out for school. His half of the locket was red and star shaped. James always wondered why it was a star but didn't pay much attention to it; in all honesty, he didn't care.

The two walked into school and started their day. Steve went off in one direction, James the next. Did they ever stop for a second to see if they could spot each other? No, of course not. No one ever finds their soulmate at school.

When class was over, Steve decided to pick a fight with one of the school bullies as per usual. That boy needed someone to stop him from doing stupid shit like that. They chased him into an alley where he was soon cornered. Now, Steve's had almost every disease known to man at this point in time so he wasn't necessarily the strongest man on earth but he managed to get a few good punches in. Emphasis on few.

It wasn't until Steve's luck went south and the bullies started hitting him back that someone appeared to safe him. His knight in shining armor was tall and dark haired; someone Steve's sure he's seen around school before.

"Hey!" He called at the two boys that were beating up Steve. They turned around to face James which was their mistake. James punched the taller of the two in the face and kicked the shorter one out of the way. "That was easy." James extended his hand towards Steve as the other two ran off. "I'm James Barnes but you can call me Bucky, everyone calls me Bucky."

Steve took Bucky's hand and shook it. "Steve Rogers."

"Well it's nice to meet you Steve, but can you tell my why someone your size is taking on people like them?" Bucky motioned towards where the two bullies were seconds ago.

"Thought I could take them on." Was Steve's response as he tried fixing his shirt. Bucky laughed and pulled him into a side hug, causing Steve's necklace to fly out from under his shirt while he continued to adjust it.

Bucky caught sight of the half star, sure it was a different color but he's heard stories about soulmates having different color lockets. He reached up to his own and pulled it out, studying it for the first time in a long time. Then he glanced to Steve's.

"Now, this might sound crazy but I think our necklaces are supposed to connect." He told the smaller boy. Steve looked up at what Bucky was holding before looking down at his own, shocked and confused.

Picking it up, he started smiling. Steve's always wanted to find his soulmate and now that he's probably standing right next to him, it made Steve feel warmer on the inside.

The two connected their necklaces together and smiled. Only the other half of someone's soulmate necklace can connect with the other half. It appeared to be the two boys were made for each other.

"Looks like we're soulmates." Steve pointed out, his smile growing.

"Yeah, looks like it." Bucky fixed his gaze on Steve's blue eyes before his smile grew. "Why don't I grab you a bite to eat? How does that sound?"

"Amazing actually." The two started walking out of the alley and down to a small cafe. "Thank you. . . for saving me from the bullies." Steve added quietly. "I didn't have the chance to say it back there."

"Hey, it was nothing." Bucky shrugged. "And if I hadn't, we would've never found each other."

"I guess. Any idea on why ours is a star?" Bucky shook his head.

"No clue. I was kinda hoping my soulmate would give me an answer to that one." The two shrugged before sitting down at the cafe and looking at the menu.

About 70 years (one freezing for that long and the other pretending to be dead) later, the two had found another home. Maybe it's not always sane and domestic but it's a home and the people there are family. They wouldn't trade it for anything.

Bucky and Steve were standing on the roof of Stark Towers, looking down at the city around them. Bucky had his regular arm wrapped around Steve's waist, keeping him close to his chest. His metal arm caught the sunlight and sent a reflection into Steve's eyes whenever he pointed at something he wanted the blonde to see. Steve would laugh and tell him he couldn't because of his arm. Bucky would them sheepishly drop it to his side again.

They both had their uniforms on because they hadn't taken them off from the mission they just returned from, their necklaces tucked protectively underneath. It's become a frequent thing for them to hide their necklaces underneath their uniforms just so they didn't break. Not like the necklaces could; they only broke once your soulmate died (which confused Steve beyond sanity when Bucky "died").

"I think I've figured out why our lockets form a star." Steve spoke up. Bucky looked down at the super soldier in his arms and smiled, cocking his head to the side a little.

"And why's that?" Steve moved around in Bucky's arms a little until he was facing him. One of his hands was on the red star on Bucky's metal arm and the other on his white star in the center of his chest.

"We both have stars on our suits." Bucky stared at Steve before they both started laughing.

"There you have it folks! The age old question of why our soulmate shape was a star has been solved! The answer is because we both have stars on our uniforms!" Bucky shouted. Steve playfully punched Bucky in the nonmetal shoulder before turning back around. Bucky kissed the top of his head.

"It was just a thought. You don't have to tease me about it." Steve whispered. Bucky smirked down at his blonde haired beauty.

"Oh Steve, 70+ years of us being together should've taught you one thing."

"And what's that?" Bucky kissed his cheek this time. Steve smiled warmly.

"I will always tease you." Steve rolled his eyes though Bucky couldn't see it.

"Whatever." The two smirked, knowing what was going to come next.

"I love you, punk." Bucky admitted.

"Love you too, jerk."

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