Chapter 17

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The Outside

Part One

Chapter 17

Arc #3 - It Begins

Sky flipped over onto his stomach, avoiding the glass of the broken lantern. He gasped, covering his mouth quickly as he half-heartedly scolded himself for making more noise. He saw the generic black shoes covered by black pants come to view on the stairs. He got on his knees, looking around. The only cover, while unpractical, was near the cages. He forced himself to rush over, hiding in the shadows behind them. The footsteps stopped as the person stood at the bottom of the stairs. They turned on a brighter light near them, the brightness cascading through the room. Some of the mobs hissed, others kept their haunting stare.

There was a hum of intrigue as Sky guessed they saw the broken lantern. He shakily glanced around the side of a cage to see who it was. They quickly moved, turning their head and he was unable to catch a glimpse as he slipped back into the shadows to avoid detection. It was in vain though, Sky hearing their laugh as he imagined the grin that probably spread across their blurry face. They stopped laughing and walked to the lantern on the floor. Sky heard the glass make small scraping sounds over the tile. The ringing of something falling into a waste bin somewhere in the room filled his ears. He covered his mouth to make sure he was silent, breathing hoarsely through his nose.

An accent made its way to him. "Here." They said.


Now that he knew who it was, the tension in his muscles grew, afraid of what would happen. "I'll give you a challenge. If you can get out of this building in five minutes, without being caught by the other council members, I won't say anything." Sky froze, the footsteps growing softer as Bodil headed back for the stairs. "But you better be more careful. Get your emotions under control. You're not going to like what you will sometimes see out there nor will you sometimes like what goes on behind the scenes. I do commend your ability to react fast and sneak around... but this will be the second time, Sky. Three strikes and you're out." The doors at the top of the stairs shut and Sky was alone with the mobs. He bit his lip nervously, hand lowering from his mouth.

He put his hands on the floor to lift himself from his crouch. However, he suddenly was pulled back against the cage behind him. He coughed at the impact, trying to pull away and get out of the building before he got into more trouble. The claws of the Ender Breed held his arms at his sides against the bars. Sky's head turned roughly to the side to catch the purple eyes of the creature before he felt smooth, sharp teeth sunk into his open neck. He would have let out a scream if his mouth hadn't been covered by the animalistic hand. He felt the acidic saliva against his skin and in his flesh. The teeth pulled out, the saliva of the creature leaving a sheet over the wounds and keeping the blood from seeping through. Sky was let go and he abruptly pulled away. He turned, careful to not be too close to the other cages and stared at the Ender Breed.

His hand flew up to his neck but he felt no wounds. It was just smooth skin. He was confused but the Ender Breed gave no hint to what it did. The creature only flicked a finger to the stairs. Sky stood there for a minute, looking like an idiot. The creature that had taken his necklace jumped onto his shoulder suddenly, wrapping the chain around his neck. It went back to the floor before Sky snapped back to reality and rushed to the double doors. The small Ender Breed followed him as he cautiously peeked through the crack between the doors and listened. There was nothing going on, yet everything felt busy because of his racing thoughts. On instinct, he snuck through the halls, peering at any plague on the wall that could possibly hint at where he should go.

The Outside - SkyDoesMinecraft FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now