"A million!?" Dr. Schneeplestein gasped. "Where does one get that kind of money?"

"That's a lot." Jackieboy nodded his head.

"Bring it back!" Dark demanded, not hearing Annalise whimper.

"I can, I can. Very easily, just let me go." Marvin was obviously shaken when he stumbled a little after being released. "I...I..." Marvin's hands were trembling.

"No, be sad, kitty." Annalise went over to Marvin and hugged his leg. Dark was about to say something but stopped when he saw Marvin's hands glowing. The magician chuckled a little before clapping his hands, the briefcase reappearing on the coffee table. "Yay!" Annalise cheered.

"I have no idea what that was, but that was amazing!" Marvin laughed, his hands no longer glowing. "This house must have a magical source in it or something?"

"Daddy magic too," Annalise said, she walked over to Anti and held her arms up. "No yelling?" Her eyes were wide as she asked.

"I'm sorry, Ann. We must have scared you." Anti said as he scooped his daughter up. "No more yelling." He sniffed and made a face. "Your turn." Was all Anti said as he handed Dark Annalise.

"Why does potty training take so long?" Dark grumbled as he walked away.

"She's not potty trained yet? She should at least be in pull-ups." Dr. Schneeplestein stated.

"We're trying. She's a lot better than when we first got her, it's like she's scared of the toilet or something." Anti said, going over to his couch and sitting.

"My kids took a while to potty train," Chase said, joining Anti. "She'll get the hang of it eventually." He added with a back pat.

"Thanks." Anti chuckled, seeing that Marvin, Jackieboy and Dr. Schneeplestein had found the snacks and were helping themselves.

"I'm shocked you don't have a ring yet," Chase said.

"A ring?" Anti raised a brow.

"You and Dark aren't married yet. You two live together and got a kid and yet, no ring." Chase leaned back against the couch. "Smart move."

"Aren't you married?" Anti asked.

"Eh." Chase shrugged. "If you wanna call it that." He started to pick his fingers. "I don't know what happened, but the moment we got married, everything went to shit. The best thing to come out of that was our kids." Anti swallowed thickly as Chase spoke. "It was great when we were just boyfriend and girlfriend, but it got weird when we started calling each other 'fiance'. Something broke. It was like the magic that was there just faded away." Anti did not like the ball of anxiety that was forming in his chest. "Stacy just kind of stopped caring about us. She didn't want to be with me as much anymore. It's like she got sick of me the moment the ring went on. Everything just kind of faded over time. I still love her and the kids...but sometimes it's hard to stay where you're not wanted." Chase chewed on his lip, he looked at Anti and saw the fear in his eyes. He suddenly smiled and lightly shoved Anti by the shoulder. "Perk up, man. Like hell that's gonna happen to you."

"Yeah..." Anti stared at the ground as Chase got up.

"How about you tell us how you got the million dollars, that's a shit ton of dough." Chase picked up a glass and downed it.

"Glitchers," Anti said, getting up and joining the other Septiceyes.

"How many?" Marvin asked.


"I bet that was most fun." Dr. Schneeplestein chuckled.

"A little more than it should have," Anti muttered,

"I'll see you soon," Dark said into his phone as he came back into the living room, Annalise walking in front of him.

"Who were you talking too?" Anti asked.

"You'll find out." Dark chuckled.


"Ain't no party like a Wilford party!" Wilford shouted after kicking open the front door.

"You can't party without a host!" Bim chuckled.

"Let's rock this shit!" Bing made shooting sounds with his mouth while Google walked behind him, clearly annoyed. Host said nothing as he entered as well, the Jim twins crouching behind his legs.

"Dark...what am I missing?" Anti asked.

"I just wanted everyone to be here while I asked you something," Dark said, waiting for everyone to get into the living room.

"Ask me what?" Anti stiffened when Dark pulled out a small box.

"Holy shit!" Chase cursed, slapping at Marvin's shoulder.

"I knew it." Wilford sang, wrapping his arms around Bim and squealing.

"Anti..." Dark chewed at his lip. "I never have been one for emotions. I honestly believed that I didn't really have them or at least, I didn't have positive ones." Anti felt his lower lip tremble. "I never knew what happiness was until you came into my life. We started off as enemies, hating each other from our cores and all of the hatred lead to a night that I will never forget. I thought you were going to leave. That it was a one-time thing, but when you showed up at the Iplier house, face red from embarrassment and you kissed me. I knew this was more than just a fling. We built a home together, we built a life together. We made a family."

Dark took in a deep breath before going down on one knee, more sounds erupted for the other egos. "I used to believe that I would never know what love felt like. That love was for the weak and it would only get in the way. I was wrong. I know what love is. I know that it only makes me stronger. I love you, Anti." Dark held up the box and opened it up, revealing a golden ring. "Will you marry me?"

Anti was frozen. He only stared. Was this really happening? There was no way that Dark was doing this? Anti didn't know whether to throw up, cry, or scream with joy. What if what Chase said was true. What if marriage ruined everything? He didn't want to lose Dark. Not after everything that has happened. After everything, they've been through. He didn't want him to go.

"Dark..." Anti saw the hope in Dark's eyes, the worry, the prayer he was probably repeating in his head over and over as each second ticked by that he didn't answer. Anti slowly smiled, seeing that it was making Dark do the same. Chase was wrong. He was not Chase. "Yes." Anti voice was very soft. "Yes! Yes! Yes!" He exclaimed, throwing himself down and hugging Dark, both of them falling over. "Yes," Anti said again, giving Dark a kiss.

"Save that for the honeymoon, you two." Wilford chuckled.

"You're supposed to wait?" Anti said with a smirk.

"Happy!" Annalise giggled, going over to her dads and hugging them.

"Happy." Dark laughed as he was helped to his feet, continuing as cheers of joy filled the house.

Everything was happy. Everything was great. Nothing could ruin this. Nothing could take this away.

Nothing .

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