It ends here.... (Sequel to Rise Against) {5}

Start from the beginning

Cassie looked beautiful in her dark brown pixie cut.

I thanked the women then Cassie and I left.

"Mommy. Where are we going?" Cassie asked.

I looked in the mirror and saw here touching her new hair.

"Not sure yet sweetie"

We drove for another five hours. I haven't slept in 32 hours. That's when I decided to stop.

I pulled into an alley. I put on makeup. More like painted it on. Looking a little hooker like sadly. But I did look a whole lot different.

Then grabbed our stuff. Cassie carried her own stuff. We walked for a mile or so to a motel. Exhausted we both were. I went inside.

"I would like a room for two" I told the woman behind the counter.

She looked at me for a minute. Then handed me a key. I handed her the money wordlessly and went outside to go to my room.

Cassie was excited about going to a motel. She loves them. Well.. So do I. I was a little excited myself.

"I'll take the bed by the door okay Cassie?" I told her.

My mom always told me she would sleep by the door so if someone broke in. she would take them down. Funny. But true.

"Okay" Was all she said. She laid in her bed and dozed off with the TV on and her doll Sally.

I crawled into the bed and fell into a dreamless sleep in less then a minute.

The next morning. I got up at 8am and started getting ready. Shower and got dressed. Then got Cassie ready.

I painted on the make up and packed our stuff.

Knock, knock. I went to the door with caution.

"Room service" The man coughed.

I opened the door. But left the chain on so it was only cracked.

"Hello Samantha" Jack smiled.

I gasped and shoved the door. He shoved against me. Him being stronger, I fell to the ground and stood my ground.

"Cassie. Go to the bathroom" I told her.

She obeyed immediately. Jack busted down the door and walked over to me. I threw a punch and he dodged it and grabbed my wrist, throwing my over his shoulder.

"Jack! Put me down!" I screamed.

"Cassie come on. We're leaving" Jack called.

Cassie came out of the bathroom and grabbed her doll.

"Cassie. Cover your ears" I told her.

She covered her ears and kept her doll tucked under her arm.

Boy did I let my words fly. I cussed and hit Jack. He seemed unfazed. Every other word was awful spilling from my mouth.

But Cassie didn't hear me. She grabbed Jack's free hand and leaned her head sideways so her shoulder covered her right ear.

Smart girl.

"Jack. PUT ME DOWN!" I screamed. "Help! I'm being kidnapped!"

"Your not helping yourself" He told me.

He carried me and threw me in the back of the familiar mini van. The one I ditched.

I huffed and tried to pull the lock up so I could run. But he broke the thing that pops up when the car is unlocked. So I could.

It Ends Here... (Book III)Where stories live. Discover now