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"Are you sure this will work?" Bennet asked me as we jumped out of light speed watching the beautiful planet in front of us grow bigger and bigger. 

"Of course it will." I said flying towards the capital city. "I am very good friends with the senator." I told him with a smile.

"Pleas identify yourself." I man said over the radio as we hovered over the beautiful city .

"This is Lia Mara Dolores Leader of Corellia." I told him. "We are not expected but we are asking for permission to land." I than said.

"Wait for a little bit My lady." He said after a while. "You can land on the platform C-13 inside the palace, Thank you." He said and i smiled to myself. I looked at Bennet and laughed.

When we landed i saw as a group of men walked to greet us. I took of my belt with all of my weapons on it along with my cape, stuffing them into a small bag, before putting my hair into a high tight ponytail.

"You ready?" He asked me standing up from his chair. He was wearing his black Jedi robes again and was looking extremely handsome. 

"Yes." I said before standing up myself. "Stay here with the ship R2." I said before me and Bennet walked out of the ship side by side. 

"Hello My lady." Palatine said as we walked down the ramp.

"Hello Palpatine." I said letting him kiss both of my cheek.

"Hello Jedi." He than said nodding to Bennet who bowed in response. "And what brings you to Naboo?" He asked with a smile. "When we talked about you visiting Naboo, i didn't think it would be so soon." He smiled.

"Well i need to ask you a favor." I said smiling back to him.

"What implies this favor?" He asked crossing his arms over his chest.

"It implies of you letting us hide my ship here, and that we can use you're public transportation." I told him.

"And where will you be going?" He thank asked stroking  his chin.

"We will be going to Malastare." I said swallowing nervously.

"Has this something to do with the Sith empire?" He asked us. "Because i heard they voted no on investigating the matter." He than said

"Yes, that is the reason." I said giving him a smile again. They voted no? How dumb can they be? Selfish rat faces.

"Well in that matter." He said. "I will give you the favor." He smiled and i jumped inside joy.

"Thank you so much senator." I said shaking his hand. "If i survive, i will give you a gift." I joked laughing and he laughed along.

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Me, R2 and Bennet sat in the cafeteria on the spacecraft. We where soon in the Malastare system, so we decided to get some food in our stomachs. 

"So what is it with you and the senator?" Bennet suddenly asked breaking the peaceful silence.

"What do you mean?" I asked with a frown on my face.

"You seem to be close." He said bringing a spoonful of soup into his mouth.

"And why do you think that." I questioned my frown turning into a curious smile.

"Well i feel like you flirt a lot." He said looking up at me. I looked into his eyes trying to find out what was up with him.

"Are you jealous?" I asked him with a hopeful smile.

"No, what are you talking about." He faked while taking a sip of his cup, but all i could do was laugh at him.

"You are." I repeated laughing even more. "Bennet." I said trying to get his attention. "I can assure you that there is nothing between me and Palpatine." I smiled at him.

"You sure." He asked me raising his brows at me.

"One hundred present shure." I said looking int his eyes. "And he is so old, i see he is getting gray hair and everything." I laughed making Bennet laugh to.

"We will be landing on Malastare in 10 minutes." A voice said over the speaker. Me and Bennet looked at each other nervously and i stood up getting myself ready for whatever comes next. I opened my bag taking the belt out placing it on my waist taking all the weapons placing them in places around the belt. And last but not least i took my cape on. Bennet stood up himself putting his black cloak on. I walked up to him. 

"And i already have someone to kiss." I said to him before closing the space between us giving him a quick peck on his lips.

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