10| Jump

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"Just do it- don't be a fucking pussy Ryan." The Uley girl whispered to herself as her legs dangled over Emmett's balcony. "You're a fucking wolf for fuck"s sakes. This is nothing for you. Dogs always land on their feet- or is that cats."

Ryan was trying to sneak out of the Cullen household. Emmett had gone downstairs for a few minutes, leaving Ryan to herself. She wasn't the smartest person but she wasn't dumb either. But now she was starting to question if she was a lot stupider than she thought.

Ryan partially blamed her dumb idea on the vampire. Even Sam knew not to leave Ryan alone, she never thought through her ideas before doing them. What did Emmett expect of the wolf? As if she would sit up in his room like a good girl, clearly he didn't know her. Plus walking out their front door seemed less exciting.

It had only been a day since was carried over to the Cullen's, but she knew Sam would be pissed if she didn't get back today. And it would be hard to say goodbye to Emmett, goodbyes were hard for the girl. Especially when she didn't know if she would see the vampire again. She still didn't know the result of Emmett and that blonde bimbos relationship, so who the hell knows if she'll take him and run.

"Just do it or else the blood suckers are going to hear everything." Ryan whispered to herself, attempting at another shitty pep talk. "What the fuck am I doing, oh my fuck I've only been a wolf for like a week- fuck it."

Ryan threw herself off the balcony, she knew that her one leg was going to get fucked the moment she was in the air. She had pushed off slanted and plus she hadn't ever jumped off anything this high before, wolf or not.

Her body had twisted mid air, her right leg being the closest to the ground. Their was no way for her to fix her stance in time. So the wolf was basically just waiting for the ground.

"EMMETT." Edward, Emmett's brother yelled from inside the house. Ryan assumed he just watched her small figure fly from the other side of the window. "She's crazy!"

Emmett had ran out just a moment to late. The girl had already hit the ground and was sprawled out, her figure laying motionless for a second. Emmett could still hear her heart beat, so that was a good sign.

"For fuck sakes- fuuuuuuck." Ryan whined clutching at her right leg painfully. Her lifeless body springing back to life. Her face was contorted in pain. "That was fucking terrifying- dammit."

"Ryan what was that- are you okay?" Emmett asked staring at the girls broken leg. Their was no blood luckily for him. "Did... you just jump from my balcony?"

"No- I... fell?"

"Her legs broken, bring her in. We'll have to rebreak it so it doesn't set out of place." Carlisle whispered, just having knelt down beside the girl. He had only seen her leg for a second to know that she had broken it. Using his vampire speed to open the door for the two supernatural being, he waited patiently for Emmett to pick the girl up in his large arms. "Wolves heal fast- we must hurry."

"Sams not going to be happy." Edward muttered, his lips tucked into a straight line. "He's going to kill you Emmett."

Ryan instantly pictured her brother stomping through the forest and breaking the Cullen's door down. He would hunt Emmett until he killed him, Sam was entirely too protective of his little sister. And it really pissed her off sometimes.

"Sam can suck my ass." Ryan grumbled leaning closer to her imprint. "Your muscles are even hotter up close. I love a man that works out."

"Not the time babe." Emmett chuckled carrying the girl to the living room couch, he laid her small body down and placed a pillow underneath her head.

Carlisle immediately started working on the wolf's broken leg. Ryan had shut her eyes, she was starting to see white spots in her vision. Any type of injury made her stomach whirl. Her lips would twist in discomfort every time Carlisle put pressure on her leg, she had no idea this would be the outcome of her jumping off a balcony.

"Sorry doc- I'm a hand full.. I might have to start booking appointments weekly." Carlisle laughed but continued working on her leg. This would be the second cast on her body.

"I've never had someone jump off a balcony to get away from me before." Emmett teased, a smirk on his pale face. Ryan stuck her tongue out at him, agreeing with how ridiculous her idea was. "You're crazy arnt you?"

Ryan let out a shrill giggle at his comment because she couldn't agree more. She was insane, her stupidity always getting the best of her. And this boy, if he hadn't already, would find out very soon.

"Crazy probably isn't even the right word- try insane maybe.. I used to do stuff like this as a kid and it would make Sam angry. He was constantly chasing me around La Push, he was the king of ruining fun."


"What did you do to her?" Sam yelled, anger flickering in his dark eyes. Emmett froze for a moment, unsure how this would turn out.

The vampire clutched his mate in his arms, bridal style. She had a bulky cast on her leg and one on her arm from..... but she looked frail. From the other side of the treaty line two wolves were lined up beside Sam. Ryan wasn't happy that it had to be her brother and her two ex boyfriends. But she figured she didn't have much of a say.

Emmett wanted Sam to like him, the vampire figured the only way into Ryan's heart was to impress her brother first. And he wasn't sure how he was going to do that quite yet.

"Shove it Sam, this was my fault. I jumped out of a window." Ryan yelled happily, a sinister grin laying at her lips.

"My intentions were never on hurting her, I care for her." Emmett said standing on the edge, knowing he couldn't step over. For the safety of his mate and he didn't want any complications.

The vampire silently handed the girl to the dark man, worry covering his face. They both cared about Ryan, far more than she would ever understand herself.

"Why did she feel the need to jump out of a window?"

"That's what I keep asking myself." Emmett chuckled, a pale hand running through his dark curly hair playfully.

"I'm fine- both of you shut up." Ryan grumbled sourly, a look of worry pointing towards her imprint. "I'll see you soon.. right?"

"Of course."

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