2| Wolf in the house

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Ryan whimpered at the pain that shivered through her body. It was like a growing pain on crack and it wouldn't go away. Her entire body ached, every breath hurting. She was convinced the worst feeling in the world was being lonely but this came to a very close second. She felt her bones shifting, cracking from the pressure. And she was sure she was either going completely insane or dying. She let out a second groan, this time allowing it to pass her little bubble of lonliness.

"Hey– hey it's okay, I promise. I've gone through this too." Sam whispered, rubbing his sister's back softly. He could feel her back muscles rolling and twisting into bones suited for a wolf. He knew the pain she was feeling and he never wanted this for her, he wouldn't wish this pain on anyone.

He had decided hours ago that it would be best to allow her to settle from the tremors by herself. He thought they would fade out once she could calm down, but once the sun set he decided to go looking for her. He was surprised at the evident signs of the werewolf gene erupting through his half sister's veins. She was only half Quileute, her chances of her shifting were slim to none. Up until a few weeks ago a female shifter was unheard of, at least until Leah Clearwater. Sam had no idea this would be his sister's fate and honestly he was a bit disappointed. He knew Ryan wanted out of the reserve as fast as possible, she had made that very clear.

It was even worse now that Paul and Jacob would be her brothers, it was something Sam didn't want to have to endure. He knew the grudges she was capable of holding and this would only hurt her. She wouldn't be able to keep her distance from them, they would be able to read her thoughts, listen to her most private moments. It would be another Leah situation.

"Stop fighting it." Sam ordered, noticing her body stiffen at the order. "Let her overcome you. Let the wolf take over."

Ryan truly believed her brother was going crazy, she had to blame it on this shithole. If she wasn't rolling around on the first floor withering in absolute pain, she would be threatening to put him in the psychiatric hospital. Another tremor echoed through her fragile body, this time causing her to arch her back painfully. She let out a muffled scream, biting her arm to mask the howl that was threatening to break loose. She scrunched her eyelids shut, vomit threatening to roll its way up her throat. She told herself if she were to vomits then it better be on Sam's shoes. Her entire body shook back and forth, a slight gagging sound coming from the back of her throat. The gag evolved into a low growl. A true wolfy growl.

Burning up~ Emmett CullenWhere stories live. Discover now