6| Emmett

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"Help someone, send help." Ryan whined, her head throbbing. "I'm dying." The echoing laugh from her pack brother proved that she wasn't home alone. They were just choosing to ignore her. Ryan carefully threw her hair into a ponytail and stomped downstairs in her booty shorts and sports bra. "You are supposed to be family."

"Well maybe you shouldn't have stayed up all night partying and sleeping all day." Sam mumbled, the fight from last night still replaying in his head over and over.

"Oh please, it was fine. I had no choice but to be safe with those two bozo's. It was fu–"

"Fun? Yeah I heard." Sam muttered, helping Emily clean the kitchen. He couldn't look at her, he was so angry. He just wanted her to listen to him, respect him. That was all he was asking for.

"Traitors." Ryan muttered under her breath, grabbing a burger from the table. Ryan had a hard time remembering the events from last night, but she had no problem with that. It just proved that she could still get wasted, she still had something from her old life that couldn't be taken away. "It was actually a killer time."

"I'm sure it was." Sam grumbled, Emily giving him a light elbow to the chest. "I'm sure all of the boys you had to suck face with appreciate that it was all just for fun."

"Wasn't me." Embry muttered, looking at Ryan. She turned to Paul with the coldest glare, he seriously couldn't keep that to himself? The argument that was about to break out was cut short by a howl erupting through the forest. It shook Ryan's bones and she felt the anger of one of her brothers.

"Leeches." Sam yelled rushing through the front door. "Stay with Emily." He ordered, blocking the girl from the door.

"Fuck no, I'm a fucking wolf and I'm going to tear that thing to shred." Ryan said angrily, ducking under his arm and running after her brothers. She threw off her sports bra and shorts, quickly tying them to her leg. She felt the familiar hum of her bones shifting and before she even knew it her dark brown wolf was running through the dark forest.

The Wolves ran, following Paul's internal instructions. He was just on the edge of the border, waiting for the leech to cross over from the other side. Ryan had a hard time keeping up with the pack, all thanks to her horrible hangover but that didn't stop her from joining the fun.

"Keep your eyes open." Sam instructed.

Red hair caught her attention, that stupid bitch. She was angry she hadn't gotten her the first time, but she would rip her head this time. This bitch wasn't coming out of this alive, not if she could help it. This time she would kill her and hear her scream in absolute pain, it would be music to her ears.

Burning up~ Emmett CullenWhere stories live. Discover now