"Yukiko..I'd like to talk to you about--"

"From which country is this item from?" Yukiko cut him off abruptly as she stands infront a small stall looking at a slender necked vase which is purple in color that grows dark and round as it reaches the bottom.

"You have a good eye, young Miss!" The peddler praised her. By the way he is dressed, he is not from around Sindria. She concluded that the man may be a travelling salesman. "Why this elegant vase is crafted from Balbaad you see!"

"..the coloring of this vase is not achieved by just mere painting..this is certainly not a craft made by someone of Balbaad.." she commented as she looks at the object closely.

"Oh my! Since you have such keen sight for rarity like this I'll let you in a secret.." he leaned a little closer to her and whispered information that made her stiffened and stand up abruptly.

She payed for it immediately without another word, and clutched it tightly after the peddler wrapped it up in a wooden box. She walked away in a hurry and left Sinbad standing there lost and confused at how fast things happened. In a blink of an eye he lost sight of his lady love.

"Pleasure doing business with you!" The peddler yelled as a farewell as he counts the money he has received. It was more than the amount that was attached to the item he was selling.

"Wait--Yukiko!" He yelled for her name and ran after her vanishing silhouette among the crowd of the busy market.


After hours of running around in circles, he finally reunited with her in the marbled gazebo situated ontop of a cliff overlooking the sea whose waves perpetually crashed onto the rock formation. The sun setting just gave the place an even more ethereal atmosphere that matched the lady currently seeking refuge there.

The white haired woman was sitting idly on a bench, craddling the vase on her lap as if it's the most important object in the world at the moment. Her eyes hidden behind her fringe but tears stains were visible on her cheeks when the sunset's rays hits it, teardrops glistening on top of the wooden box.

Sinbad didn't say a word and just kneeled before her and boldly reached out to her and wiped away her tears with his thumb. He swallowed his fear of being rejected by her and just did what he thinks is right.

"Hey, don't cry now.." he comforted her in a soothing tone. He smiled a little wanting to see her mirror his expression. "I won't ask you why you're crying.. so let's just calm down for now."

Peeking under, he tucked a lock of her hair behind her ear to clearly see her expression. Tear-filled, pained, and darkened glazed over emerald eyes were seen underneath her soft white tresses that was covering her beautiful façade earlier.

He felt his heart skip a beat, his breath taken away. It felt like time has stopped when he saw her in such a state. He didn't say another word and just stared hopelessly into her drowning green eyes.

"Sin... thank...you.." she replied after a moment of silence. She tried to sniffle her tears and sobs through breathing deeply. "If you weren't there earlier, I don't know what I could've done."

Sinbad can't still figure out what made her so upset and reduced to this vulnerable state. Knowing the current state of their relationship, Yukiko would most definitely not show him this side of her yet here she is; crying infront of him. Fragile and feeble.

The only clue he has as of the moment is the vase she bought from the wandering peddler earlier. After the information whispered to her, she ended up what she is now.

"Your Majesty, Yukiko-sama." Announced a voice from behind them. A soldier of Kou was kneeling before them, whilst conducting the salute of the empire he serves. He was accompanied by two soldiers of Kou, three servants of Xue, and Spartos of the Eight Generals who served as a guide. "We've been worried of your absence for the whole day. Since the attendants you've brought along with you returned to your homeland, we've been tasked to look after you until Lord Kurosaki returns with Prince Aoren." He explained. "Pardon my rudeness of interrupting your converstion with King Sinbad."

"It's fine. You are forgiven." Yukiko stood up and dusted her clothes. She removed her cloak and a servant took it from her hands. "I was waiting for you to come fetch me. It's the last time I can roam around freely until my brother is here."

Yukiko finally regained her composure, her tears now dry. She faced the king of the island country giving a slight bow. "Thank you for the invitation and accompanying me today. I shall you again at dinner. We'll be heading back first."

She lead the way, the soldiers and servants following closely behind.

"My king, the generals were also worried. Let us head back now. Lord Jafar is quite livid."

Still filled with confusion over Yukiko's sudden exposure of her vulnerable state and the meaninh behind the vase, he can't help but remember how wonderful the day was as a whole.

Sinbad was still determined. He was still in love. He will definitely make Yukiko his again and this time, it is for keeps and out of love.

Magi: HiraethNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ