Chapter 3 - Frances: Besties

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"Sorry. I, uh, better leave you guys alone..." And then he walked away in embarrassment.

When he was out of earshot, I finally stopped hitting Tony. "He's gone and you owe me."

All of a sudden, Tony hugged me tight. "You saved me, Princess!"

Too close! "Let me go, creep!" I instinctively pushed him away.

"Wow, you're really something! A girl who actually resisted my charms!"

"You're so full of yourself, aren't you, Jestoni?"

"Tony na lang." [Call me Tony instead]

"Whatever. I'll never be interested in a guy like you. You're too much of a player."

He smiled, and he looked super gorgeous when he did. "Well, Princess, I do owe you, and I will make you fall in love with me!"

"Good luck trying."

And he did try. He put on his best foot forward and followed me everywhere. I have to admit I was impressed by the way he managed to get my class schedule and meet up with me after class. He even helped out with the pageant preparations.

"In love with me yet, Princess Frances?" Yes, he even gave me a pet name.

I rolled my eyes. "Please. I'll never fall in love with a guy like you unless by some miracle you change. You should learn to grow up, Tony. You can't be a player forever."

We were always like that. Everyone actually thought we were a couple and I surprised them by saying that he wasn't my type.

"We're just friends." This was my usual excuse which was always met by rolled eyes and disbelief. Who would believe it anyway?

We were always together, and it was then that we realized that we had so much in common – which only made being together even more worthwhile.

Then one day it happened. Tony received news that his dad passed away and he had to leave school for two weeks. The news crushed him. That was actually the first time I'd seen Tony upset. He wasn't his usual cheerful, talkative self. He was walking me to my dorm when he told me that he was leaving the next day. I couldn't help but hug him, and when I did, he didn't let me go. I could feel his shoulders shaking and I knew he was crying.

"I, uh, guess I'll be dropping off the pageant," he managed to say.

"You're crying because of that?" I managed to joke. It was a lame one, but at that time I couldn't think of anything to say to him.

He pulled away. "Wow, Princess finally hugged me. Achievement dapat 'to. [This must be an achievement] Are you in love with me already?"

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