11 | My Hand

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❝ hold my hand,it can help you

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hold my hand,
it can help you. ❞
— Kota

MORGAN ONCE TALKED TO HERSELF about the hatred of weather towards her. She would always wear an inappropriate outfit in a bad situation. People had asked her about it just to know that 'she forgot to check the temperature'. The first and second time it happened to her, she was saved by long sleeved clothes from the people that she knows.

Third time it happened, she had no one.

She politely declined Gedo's offer at the bus ride with the professional wrestlers back to the hotel, insisting that she'll take a different transportation. She didn't regret it, but she had nothing but thin clothes in a chilly night. However, being a stubborn that she was, she didn't care no matter how red her hands were. It wasn't that she didn't care but she knew she doesn't have a choice.

It was a bad idea, she knew. She should be more aware since it's almost winter - her least favourite season despite how beautiful snow falls from the sky. Her bad ideas can lead her into a conclusion where someone will help her or she's gonna end up hopeless.

Apparently, she knew she wasn't hopeless when Kota Ibushi entered the bus - the person that she possibly don't want to see besides Kenny. She silently cursed herself, hoping that he wouldn't go at the back of the bus to seat next to her and start a conversation. It wasn't her lucky day as Kota made his way to speak to her as he sat down.

The silence filled the atmosphere as she sighed, giving up on the silent game. "Hello," she started. "Ogenki desuka (How are you)?" She looked over the window of the bus, feeling that Kota was staring at her.

"I'm okay," he responded quietly. "Anata wa basu ni noranakatta (you did not get in the bus)."

"I'm in the bus, and I'm sitting next to you." She sounded like a smart ass, she knew. But that's the best she could do to continue the conversation. "And you didn't. Where's your partner?"

"Kenny wa betsu no kuni ni ikimashita (Kenny went to another country)." He answered. "Because of you... or me." He trailed off, Morgan stared at him with her eyebrow raised. She scoffed in disbelief.

"Please don't start," she pleaded, squeezing her eyes close. She took a deep breath as she moved her gaze towards him. "Ibushi-san, I have paper works in my bag and those paper works are most likely your matches. Talking about Kenny is the last thing I wanted to hear because I am busy as hell." He shook his head.

"Watashi wa anata ga yatta, kore o kidō shimasendeshita (I did not start this, you did)." He frowned.

"You're blaming me, fine fuck it." She rolled her eyes. "Besides, I don't really care about Kenny. He can ignore me whenever he wants, if he tries to approach me I might end up beating him up. He can take a beating from a woman." The way of how she said it was different from how she thinks about it. Sure, a part of her was always annoyed with the Manitoban but she felt good about how Kenny annoys her with his presence.

"Stop lying," he mumbled. Morgan shook her head in denial.

"I'm not lying."

"Yes, you are. You like Kenny."

"Dude, seriously?" She asked one more time and stood up as the driver pulled up to her bus stop. "Arigato!" She said to the driver before bowing and stepped out of the bus. The wind sent chills down her spine (literally) as she shivered. "Fuck me, I keep on forgetting about this." She proceeded to take the five minutes walk back into the hotel while her fingers started to freeze.

Knowing that someone was following her, she turned around and repeated her question, "Dude, seriously?" Kota shrugged in response.

"Let's go get coffee," he offered. "It can warm you up and it's peace offering, maybe." Morgan sighed, this guy wouldn't stop but she needed a way to make him leave.

"My right hand is freezing," she reasoned out. "I want to go back to hotel because it's freezing. Can I go now?"

"Hmp," he hummed, an idea came up to him as he continued. "Hold my hand, it can help you." Morgan laughed. In every moment like this, she would think that it's a joke. But when she stared at Kota, he wasn't laughing along with her. She knew he didn't need to take things seriously every time.

"Are you joking?"

He extended his hand as his offer to be her only warmth, she accepted. If you would ask her, it felt awkward because of the fact that the hand that she's holding was owned by Kenny's partner. And because he's an acquaintance; a person that she barely talked to. Instead of declining it, Morgan held it. He nodded in response as they walked down the street.

"Last time I tried to gather warmth, Kenny got mad at me for being honest and we're not friends - he hates my guts," she muttered and looked up at Kota. He looked back at her. "Are you willing to put up with me and every bad decisions that I'll make?" She never asked anyone about this, and she wanted to ask Kenny - but she couldn't. Kota smiled, his lips sealed tightly.

"Moshi sore ga risukunara, watashi wa sore o yorokonde uketorimasu (If that is a risk, then I am pleased to accept it)." He spoke softly as they entered the coffee shop. "Do you want coffee?" He asked as she smirked

"Chocolate cake and I'm your best friend." She wiggled her eyebrows. "And please joke around me, I hate when people doesn't laugh along with me."

They saw her as an anti-social who hates having people around unless there's tequila around her. She was independent, the person who didn't want a friend to talk to everyday - she wanted them as an occasional friend who could come around once or twice a month. But with Kota, he was something else to her; he's the only person she wanted to be around with everyday. And Kenny... he's the person that she wanted to know despite the act of rudeness that she started.


It is terrible, yes. I'm really sorry because I didn't have Kenny here. WK12 inspired me to write something that involves the side character. But, I will try, I can try. So for now, my apologies. I hope you guys enjoyed it. Thanks for reading this latest chapter!

(And, I have changed my username into 'lionsystem' because I will start writing about NJPW stars in this account!)

Too sweet me,

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