1 | Ideal Man

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❝ ideal man?since when did you start finding one? ❞− Sam

ओह! यह छवि हमारे सामग्री दिशानिर्देशों का पालन नहीं करती है। प्रकाशन जारी रखने के लिए, कृपया इसे हटा दें या कोई भिन्न छवि अपलोड करें।

ideal man?
since when did you start finding one?
− Sam

August 13, 2014
Osaka, Japan

SHE SOUGHED AS SHE FELT the little taste of relief. Morgan stared at the ceiling of her hotel room, her motivation at getting up didn't bother to show up as the thoughts of staying in the bed came. With one noise that her phone made, she reflexively took it as she stared at the screen to see a very disappointing text message from her ideal man; a man that she had been dating for weeks. Texting back, she responded with a text with a different descriptive word: disappointed.

Morgan: Well, you know what? You can suck my ass, if you don't want to, then try Adam Cole's dick.

Morgan: No wait, just try to kiss someone's ass, since you're good at it. Well deserving to be an awardee.

A knock interrupted her actions on her phone as she rolled her eyes. The second knock, she wanted to walk over and flip whoever the person that was standing off. It was her day-off from scheduling the future events of New Japan and Ring of Honor. Growing up, she thought that she'll end up as a professional wrestler who will represent the city of Ottawa, but yet she ended up as an intern – probably a part time athlete.

Going back to the knocks, the third knock made her stand on her feet as she made her way into the front door with a mutter, "It says Do not fucking disturb at the door, what do they possibly want?" She said in disappointment: maybe because of the last hopeful encounter with the man that she dated, or maybe because her solid morning was interrupted by a housekeeper, either way, the frustration was there. When she opened the door, her eyes saw the sight of Samantha – known as Miss WWE Creatives. "You might've pissed me off right now, Sam."

"Trust me when I say that I've disappointed Allen even more," Samantha spoke and nodded. Morgan stepped aside and gestured the British Columbian to enter as Sam did. "I brought McGriddles because I knew you're not going to get up." Morgan sighed before slumping back at the bed, snatching the paper bag of McDonald's without responding. "Aren't you going anywhere?" Taking a bite of the warm breakfast sandwich, the blonde looked up with a shrug.

"I don't know," Morgan replied with her mouth full as she swallowed the chewed food. "I'm basically doing nothing at al- hey, don't touch my phone." Sam took the phone that Morgan threw minutes before she responded at the knock. Samantha didn't give it, in fact she laughed while she was staring at the screen of the phone. "Sam, what the hell?"

"Are you serious?" Sam laughed hysterically before wiping the tear that was attempting to fall. "Ideal man? Since when did you start finding one?" She asked, her laughter was as loud as a hyena. Morgan frowned.

"Since Phenomenal started to get poisoned."
"Haha, I wish I've done that before."

"So, tell me about this ideal man," Sam continued with a wiggly eyebrow. Morgan shook her head. "Oh come on, I've talked to you about Allen a lot, don't you ever try to be unfair." The British Columbian pouted as Morgan settled her McGriddles down.

"Look, you knew that I dated a girl before and she's nice. I want someone like her," Morgan said. Sam tried to speak as the blonde raised her index finger as an interruption. "But, I want somebody who can respect the decisions that I have and the way of being me. I'm getting tired of finding somebody and fuck, I'm done." She stopped, not an emotion was an evidence. Morgan didn't have a rough high school life, considering that she's the wisest out of the wisest in her class. But, she had a rough love life though she only dated a woman only, her relationship didn't last a year, there were only kissing and hugs. There were no "I love you's" and that's the least favourite thing that Morgan had in mind. Now, she nearly lost herself from finding somebody. "You're supposed to be at the airport anyway, are you trying to spend your money on nothing?"

"I postponed it, I can't just leave without him." Samantha shrugged with a smile. "Can you believe that another wrestler joined Bullet Club? I know that it's not my business, but it was cool." Morgan chuckled and shook her head again.

"As far as I remember, your business was in Stamford; not in Japan," Morgan smiled sarcastically. "In fact, you were supposed to be there, talking about how shit's gonna work on your shows." She winked before noticing that Sam was unimpressed. Sam crossed her arms across her chest. "What, again?"

"Your business was about finding a man, but yet, your business is failing." Sam retorted. She stood in her feet. "I'm leaving now, I know that I will see you later, but good luck on finding someone to love you forever. Because I'm not gonna do that." She walked through the door, following by Morgan's loud response.

"I'm not desperate, Sam!" Morgan yelled. "Thank you for the breakfast anyway!" Sam gave her another look and a nod. When Sam walked off, Morgan rested her back against the headboard and placed a palm on her face. Asking herself if there's a chance or a luck on finding the right man or woman and asking herself if she's giving up.

Victorious  ↯  K. OMEGAजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें