Chapter 20

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Your POV

Me and Jungkook actually had a fight last week, and we've been ignoring each other since then.

It's actually because of my mom. He hates Jungkook because of what he did to me last time.

I sat with beside Jimin.

"That's my seat you know." A girl said infront of me. Then Jimin looked up at her too.

"I sit here right, oppa?" She said with a puppy eyes to Jimin. Like what the hell is she doing? Oppa? What a bitch.

" can just sit beside Jungkook." I said.

"I think you're the one who should sit there. You two are on a relationship right? Are you finally tired of him and replace him with Jimin?" He said.

Then I accidentally slapped his face and exactly the time the teacher came.

"Y/N! DETENTION!" The teacher yelled. You just glared at that bitch and she just gave a smirk.

After class...

"I'm gonna wait for you outside." Said Jimin.

"No, its ok." I replied. "I can walk home by myself." You added.

"I won't let you." He said and you have no choice but to agree.

"Ok, then." You said and went inside the room.

After your detention, you went outside the classroom and went to your locker. You put your books and other stuffs inside.

You went outside the school and searched for Jimin but there's no sign of him around.

"He said he will wait for me..." Then you heard a girl's voice near where you are. "Oppa, please...." You just ignored it. But you heard a boy's familiar voice. "Ok...but I'll be home early." Its...Jimin's voice.

You came to find where they are and saw them crossing the street with holding hands.

It really is Jimin. You just sighed and went home alone.

It's already 9pm when you are already finished with assignments and ready to sleep, you recieved a message from Jimin.

"Look out your window." He said. You obeyed what he said and saw him at the other side peeking out his window. Then Taehyung interrupted.

"Hey (Y/N)!" He said and waved at you. You didn't know Yours and Jimin's room were like this close.

"Bye!" Taehyung said and went out Jimin's room.

"(Y/N)..." Jimin : talking. "What?" You asked. "Sorry I didn't walk yo-" You cut him off. "I saw you two at school." You said. He was shocked and completely guilty. "I'm so sorry." He apologized. "No need to apologize Jimin. Its ok." You said and closed the window door and curtain so you can sleep peacefully.

The next morning while walking to school, Taehyung ang Jimin walked with me.

"By the way Taehyung, are you Jimin's cousin?" I asked. "Yes. I just had a vacation here but maybe next month I can go home. Just wanna visit my cousin." He said and ruffled Jimin's hair.

We approached the school gates and Taehyung went home already. Me and Jimin seperated our ways to our locker.

I wasn't expecting Jungkook to wrap his hands around my waist like, he's not my boyfriend anymore.

"Jungkook..." You sighed. "Why did you broke up with me?" He asked you as he stares intensely at your eyes. "I don't have time for this. Jungkook." You said and closed your locker. "Why did you broke up with me (Y/N) please." He begged. "I told you everything Jungkook." You said and started to walk but he blocked your way by slamming the lockers. You we're trapped by Jungkook. Just great. "Stop this Jungkook." You said while he stare into your eyes. You know everyone is now watching you two.

Also didn't know that Jimin is at the side while watching.


Merry christmas and happy new year to everyone! Woooh!! Let's celebrate Kim Taehyung's Birthday today! Yay! Have a nice day! Love you all!

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