You Will Be Found

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But... let me take you home first, (Y/N)...

Even when the dark comes crashing through.
When you need a friend to carry you.
And when you're broken on the ground,
You Will Be Found.
So let the sun come streaming in.
'Cause you'll reach up and you'll rise again.
Lift your head and look around.

She grabbed my shoulders and turned me around so I was facing her.

You Will Be Found. (×4)
You Will Be... Found

Will I really be found...?
Will I be there for her afterwards?
Will she remember all this, anyways?

There's a place where we don't have to feel unknown!
And everytime that you call out, you're a little less alone...

But it seems like you need a friend more than me.

If you only say the word,
From across the silence
You're voice is heard!

She stopped singing for a minute or 2, and began speaking words of encouragement to me. Telling me that once this was over, she would help. She said she knew who I was and she wanted all this to end, but she couldn't stop at this moment and time. I responded with telling her that I knew who she was too and I would help her once this was all over.
She continued singing.

Even when the dark comes crashing through, when you need a friend to carry you.
When you're broken on the ground,
You Will Be Found.
So let the sun come streaming in,
'Cause you'll reach up and you'll rise again!
If you only look around,
You Will Be Found!(×3)

She's right... I will be found...

Out of the shadows,
The morning is breaking
And all is new!
All is new!
It's filling up the empty,
And suddenly I see that all is new,
All is new!

You're the light of my life...

You are not alone...(×6)
You are not,
You are not alone!


Even when the dark comes crashing through,
When you need a friend to carry you,
When you're broken on the ground!
You Will Be Found!
So when the sun comes streaming in
'Cause you'll reach out and you'll rise again!
If you only look around
You Will Be Found! (×4)
You Will Be...

She stopped singing as she leaned her forehead against mine. Then she whispered, "I can tell you what you have to break in order for this to all be over."

My eyes widened. Was she actually going to tell me? Before I could answer, my ring beeped, telling me I can to leave. I sighed. I was about to stand up, but stopped me. "All you have to break... is my headphones. Just snap them when Ladybug is Heere and this can be over, but it looks like that will have to wait until tomorrow..."

I nodded and stood. She followed. I hugged her and whispered, "Thank you for caring... I'll get you back. I promise."

Her eyes looked unsure. "I never liked promises... They always break for me."

I smiled. "Its because I haven't promised you anything yet. I'll keep it."

She smiled before turning around and began to run. I watched her leap from building to building. I sighed and jumped off.


How was that for an entrance? MICHEAL MAKES AN ENTRANCE.
Anyways, sorry for not updating. I've been exploring my feelings and thoughts and decided I should make an "Coming out on my Insecurities and Coming Out" Chapter. An explaining of me and my own problems. Hope you liked it! Hope you liked the song, too! Its from the musical Dear Evan Hansen. If y'all have time, check it out! Thanks again to FangirlTrash1O1 for the art! Anyways, see you next chapter!

~My Golden Wolf~ A Chat Noir X Reader  (DISCONTINUED)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu