Chapter 3 - "Someone said you were a teenage bride."

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Like a rocket launched into space, the tunnel launched the Porsche back into the night. Kit laughed as she sank back into her seat and ran her hand through her wild hair.

"Are you crazy?!" Edison asked in a panic. "What was that for?"

She gave him a calm look.

"You always have to scream in a tunnel," she said.

His eyes jumped between her and the road.

"Next time you're going to hang half of your body out the window, warn me," he said.


Edison regained his calm composure by the time they left the highway. They wandered through back roads for a few miles before they began to climb. Kit's curiosity was getting the better of her and she was about to ask where they were going when they rounded a corner. Below them, was a sea of lights from houses spread out as far as their eyes could see. Edison pulled the car to the edge, turned it off and they both got out.

"This is beautiful," she said, hopping up on the back of the car.

He took a seat next to her. "It's my favorite spot."

Kit pulled her gaze from the view and studied Edison's profile. He had a serene look on his face.

"This is your favorite spot?" she asked.

"Yeah," he shrugged. "I come out here when I need space. When I need to think."

She was amused by the reflective tone in his voice. "Do you do a lot of that?"



His head dropped and she laughed loudly.

"Sometimes you make it impossible," he said.

"To what? Seduce me?" she asked.

"That's not what I'm doing."

"Oh really? A secluded area, a romantic view, putting on a pensive mood."

He shook his head. "That's probably what you want. But I just thought you would like the view."

"It is beautiful," she said. "So, this is where you come to think about things?"

"It is," he said.

"Well, I'm thinking about something and it involves you," she said.

He gave her a pleased look and leaned towards her.

"Why don't you play football anymore?" she asked.

He looked around in surprise. "Where did that come from?"

"My mind," she teased. He gave her an incredulous look and turned back to the view. She waited for a minute before she prodded him again. "So...?"



"It's a sport."

She laughed. "That is correct. You use to play."

"These are some hard hitting facts you are laying out." There was humor in his voice, but his quick sideways glance was suspicious. 

"Here's another fact, you don't play anymore. Why?"

He gave her a knowing look. "I'm sure you already know why I can't play football anymore."

"You tore your ACL."

"That's correct. And I believe that brings our fact count to four."

"But you can walk."

He hopped off the back of the car, taking a few steps as an example. "Would you look at that? It would seem that is also correct."

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