Chap|14 Big Problems?

Start from the beginning

"Hey." Camila said when I stepped out the bathroom.

"Hey." I nodded. She stared at me for a moment before shaking her head and looking down.

"Umm-I just put your food up in the microwave for you." I sighed and nodded.


"No problem. But uh, you where in there for a while, everything ok?" She asked as she sat beside me on the edge of the bed.

"Yep I'm good. Just needed that break." I said as I started pulling my jogging pants up over my lower body and putting my socks on.

"Oh ok, well momma called and her and papi wanted to keep Royalty for tonight and I told them it was fine." I looked over at her and shook my head.


"Nothing Camila."

"Well it's obviously something, so just tell me." She pressed on about it and I stood up.

"Listen nothing is wrong I just wish you would have asked me first." I shrugged. She gave me a weird look before standing up herself.

"Really Y/N? Since when have you cared about her staying over there. Hell they kept her the most before I even came back, right?!"

I held my hand up at her. "Hey don't start all that yelling."

"So that's how it is now? Huh? I can't say where she goes. But you can have all types of whores around her right?!" Now she was starting to piss me off for real. I just told her to stop yelling for one. And now she bringing up false stories.

"Camila you need to shut up man, you mad because I made a suggestion!"

"No! You shut up! I'm mad because you're acting like an ass!"She yelled as she used her finger to push my chest.

"What are you talking about! What hoes have been around your daughter?! You and India are the only ones—"

I felt my face start to heat up and that's when I realized that she just slapped me. I took a deep breath knowing my temper all I wanted to do was get away from her.

She gasped and covered her mouth with her hand. "Oh my- Y/N I'm so sorry." She cried while trying to hug me but I pushed her off.

"Camila just get away from me. Before I do or say something we both regret." I said through my teeth. But she refused to leave me alone. So I decided to be the bigger person and get out of this room. Good thing my house had all these rooms, because right now I just needed somewhere to cool off and get some sleep.

"Y/N Please just listen to me!" She cried as she followed me down the halls and up some more stairs to the room that I was going to be sleeping in.


"Leave me alone Camila." I said ands shut the door in her face. I plopped back on the bed and rested my head in my hands. Man she is so lucky I'm not like I used to be. Or things would've been a lot worse than they just where. So me doing this was a huge step for me, I'm proud of myself. Showing that I have changed for the better.

But I still couldn't wrap my head around the fact that she actually slapped me. Shit, she's changed too. Because back when we where together, she would have never did that.


Camila's POV.

It was around 3:30 in the morning and I was up sitting in the kitchen watching tv. I just couldn't sleep and I was a little hungry so now I'm up for good.

I still can't believe I really put my hands on Y/N in that way. I've never done anything like that and for me to do that, it- I just don't know. But I do know that I was extremely hurt and felt disrespected by her words earlier. I'm just hoping that she can forgive me.

I looked up when I heard a noise coming from upstairs. Instead of getting up I looked at the camera screens that Y/N has to look around the house.

"Y/N is that you?!" I yelled but nobody said anything. "Y/N?!" I yelled again but this time getting up to see what the noise was. When I got up and walked around the house I could start to tell where the noise was coming from. And it sounded like Royalty's room. I slowly walked up to the pink door that read. 'Royalty' and pushed it open.

I gasped when I saw that the window was wide open and things where pulled out everywhere.

"Y-Y/N!" I bagged away out the room quickly as I ran down the hall and up the back stairs to the room that I knew Y/N was sleeping in.

"Y/N." I whisper-yelled when I opened the door and rushed in over to the bed but she still didn't move." "Y/N! Please come on get up. " I cried because I was so scared at this moment. I didn't know what to do or what to think.

"Camila. I thought I told you to stay away from—what's the matter Camila?" She asked when she turn over and saw the terrified look on my face.

"I think somebody tried to break in." I whispered to her like someone was gonna hear.

Her face scrunched up. "What? Camila that's crazy. I have tons of security all around the house-"

"Yeah well I heard noise coming from Royalty's room and her window is open." After I said that she looked at me and pushed the covers from her body. I followed right behind her all the way back to the room.

"See." I said pointing to the still open window that I was to panic to shut.

I watched from the door as Y/N slowly walked in looking around at the messed up room. She walked over to the window and shut it. "What in the hell." I stared into her eyes and she stared back. I could tell that we shared the same feelings right now.

We where both scared.



Hello everyone😊 I hope you all enjoyed this chapter ..

Was Camila wrong for slapping Y/N or did she deserve it??🤔 what about that phone call Y/N got?? Biggest question of all who would want to do this🤨😳😰

Let me know what y'all think💭

Thanks for reading/Voting😚🧡

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