Chapter 17- Life is great when things aren't great.

Start from the beginning

As I lose my self in the beauty of the ring I can’t help but notice how it looks to be used. Which makes me love the ring even more. Imagine all the years this ring has represented peoples love for each other. So even though it’s used, to me, it’s still truly immaculate.

I feel a slight push and I look up to see Chase giving me a doubtful expression.

“Huh?” I say, still slightly dazed.

He rubs the back of his neck.

“I’ve been trying to call you for the past two minutes. Do you like it?” He asks reaching out to grab my hand.

For some reason I think he’s going to take it from me so I quickly pull my hands over my heart; the right overlapping the left.

“Don’t take it from me please, Chase. I…I want… the ring…don’t. Beautiful.” I say stumbling over my words.

Chase sighs heavily in relief and shakes his head.

“I guess that answers my question huh? It was my grandmother ring. On my dad’s side. My grandfather made it for her. Like you, her favorite color was blue.” His eyes glaze over. You can tell that he loved his grandparents very much.

“He said she was too special and unique to have a ring that anyone could have if they just went to a shop and got one. So he went out and looked for gems of all different cuts, symbolizing her uniqueness, and made it for her. My grandparents always told my dad that when he finds his mate, he better ‘Treat her like the unique woman that she is.’” He laughs; mocking his, what I’m guessing to be his grandfather’s, voice.

“My dad knowing that their ring symbolized that in their relationship asked that when he found his mate, if he could give that ring to her. Like an heirloom. They happily agreed thinking it a great idea. The night before I moved here, my dad and mom gave me the ring. They said they had a feeling that I’d find you.” A smile lights his face and he finally looks me in the eyes; grabbing my hand in his. I mirror his smile and sit in awe of the, though very short, wonderful history of this ring.

“Babe, I’m not going to take it away from you. It’s all yours. Why would you think that I was going to take it from you?”

“I don’t know. I mean from what you told me this ring is truly amazing. I’m the third person that gets the privilege to wear this ring and I’m so honored. I guess I thought, judging by the physical beauty alone, that maybe it was too good to be true.” I relax once I know I get to keep it. “Kind of like you.” I say to myself as an afterthought.

I hear a soft growl and I’m turned and pulled into Chase; my back to his chest.

Chase grabs my hand after turning my face to look at him.

“This ring, nor I, is going anywhere, Lane. Understand that. Nothing will ever take me away from you and I will not allow anyone or anything to take you from me. You’re mine.” He says huskily; his lips brushing slightly against mine.

I find now, that what I once hated about this man and the use of the word “Mine” does things to me that can’t be explained.  Although it still kind of upsets me, I find that his possessiveness in that word makes me feel secure. Makes me know that he won’t let anything come between us. Makes me feel safe.

It also makes my body yearn for his.

My eyes cloud over with love and lust and I know he can see it before he can smell it because he crashes his lips against mine.

Chase leans to his side, making me lay back, and deepens the kiss. His hands make their way up my thigh and he wastes no time making it to my core.

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