JL 23

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Two weeks has gone past. Things didn't change between them. No matter how much Emma tried to find out what is going on, she failed every time. Somehow, even Adian escaped to answer her questions. In all these two weeks not once they could converse in privacy.

Now, self doubt started to crept upon her. Maybe, Adian regretted getting engaged to her, in such a hurry and he didnt want to break it to her; instead, found ways to avoid her.

She didn't know what to do, or whom to go for help. She was scared to loose her love, no matter how quick their love might have escalated. Still, she loved him with all her heart.

Even, Ethan has gone missing, whom she could have asked, as to what is actually going on and on top of that his warning before leaving the office; to stay strong.

She feels so helpless which was a new experience for her, luckily she went back to live at her father's place; at least that helped her mind to get diverted a bit from all this mess her life has become.

She's been in the office for four hours, yet, there was no way of getting hold of Adian, to sort out what is going on. If he didn't want to stay engaged to her, she was fine with that also. But, at least he should have the courtesy to tell her, instead of playing the game of peekaboo with her.

Shaking her head, to get rid from all these thought, She got up from her chair, picked her coat and bag; to leave for lunch date with her father after so many weeks.

Few of her colleagues stoped her and asked  her to join them for lunch, going towards the canteen. She thanked them and declined politely.

She hailed a cab and gave the address of the restaurant where her father would meet her.

Two hours later, she felt her mood being lifted up a bit, eventhough her lunch date with her father turned into a business lunch, as one his associate sort of crashed in middle of there lunch and her father couldn't decline.

With a smile on her face she took the elevator to her cabin, knowing Adian would have already left to God's know where; it's what he's been doing for the past two weeks.

Without thinking much she walked to her cabin and started finishing off her pending work, knowing there was no need to wait, for he won't show up and when being asked about his whereabouts, he'll just say one thing. "In a meeting with client."

She was completely engrossed in her work, when all of a sudden the doors were thrust opened with a brutal force, startling her.

She looked up and found an angry looking Adian, clutching a folder in his hand. Before she could ask him anything, he bit out in anger - "IN. MY. ROOM. NOW!" and walked off with thumping feet.

She didn't know what's going on and have never seen him in such a seething anger. She immediately got up and followed him inside without aggravating him further more.

They entered his room and Adian sat down on his chair, not utter a single word, Just puffing out breaths, in order to calm down himself.

She was completely clueless as to what is going on, it felt like a calm before the storm. Meanwhile Adian was looking at her as if she has completely broke him, and Emma was looking at him his hopeful eyes.

Their trance was broken with Adian's harsh laugh. He shook his head and did a slow clap.

"I must say Miss. Killer, you are wasting your time in business world. You could have been an amazing actress." He rubed his chin, as if in deep thought.

" Even now look at you, beautifully playing the part of Miss. Innocent, it's commendable."

Emma was baffled, what's he going about, she couldn't even form a word to ask him, while he continued.
" What did you take me for? A fool! You'll betray me and I'll never find out." He bit out each word, shredding her soul. "But before that do tell me My Love, how were they giving you? To cheat me, that even our engagement became meaningless to you?"

Silent tears were streaming down her face, not understanding what he is going on about. How he can demean there relationship so cruelly.

"I..i...Wh...what ...a..are you t..tal..talking about?? She stammered.

"Oh please do stop this act now." He said hardly and pull out some photographs from the envelope, which he was carrying earlier and threw them across her face. She bend down and picked them gingerly.

What she saw made bile rise up to her throat, and now she understood what Ethan was trying to tell by saying- "stay strong."

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