JL ch8

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Chapter 8

Emma was taking a stroll, in the park, on clear sunny day. It was a beautiful day just to walk around and take a breather. She came and sat down on a bench facing a pond where couple of ducks were swimming with their ducklings, birds were chirping in a happy tone, butterflies in all imaginable vibrant colors, were flying around her.

She was roaming her eyes around the park, to take all the beauty in and her eyes came to a standstill near the pond, where a man and a child, were offering some bread to the ducks, with their backs turned towards her.

This scene brought a smile to her lips but suddenly it brought a frown on her animated face as she realised the man with a child is none other than Adian.

Suddenly she got up and started walking towards the laughing pair.
As she was nearing them she heard a cacophonous sound, which made her frown even more and started looking around to find the source of that noise.

The sound started to persist her jarring her right out of her dream and made her realise that the cacophonous sound is her door bell going off.

With a groan she pushed herself on her elbow in order to sit up, she squinted her eyes to look at clock. It was 8:30 in the morning, who would disturb her this early on a Saturday morning and what about the strange dream she had of Adian with a child.

She got up shaking herself from the sleep and the weird dream, put her robe on, while tying the stash moved out of the room to open the door.

All this while the door bell was still going off along with pounding on the door.

"Coming. Hold your wild horses" she screamed and started unlocking the door.

When she saw who us at the door, "Dad" she exclaimed "what are you doing here at this time of the day"

"Did someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed" her father said in a cheerful voice, which made her more irritated.

"Won't you ask me in" he ruffled her hair and moved in her apartment.

"If you must know, I was having a beautiful dream, which you spoiled with your ruckus this early in the morning" she bit out out. "But what are you doing here this early in the morning. I was going to meet you at mansion for lunch at 1:00 as usual."

"Have you already forgotten that you promised to move back at the mansion today." He queried.

"Oh crap" she palmed her face and looked up "I totally did with such a hectic week." With a sheepish look.

"Well I knew that you will. So I came here to help you out, to pack your essential and the rest will be taken care by the hired movers. So hurry up they will join us in about two hours" he said cheerfully.

She shook her head at him and ask him to follow her to the kitchen.

She started making coffee for both of them and their favorite pancakes to go along with it. After they were finished with their breakfast, she did the dishes.

"Dad before I officially move to the mansion I want you to promise again that no, 'eyes', okay."

"Em, honey I have already given you my word and you do know that I don't easily give my word and once I do I don't go against them"with a grave look.

With that out of the way, together they got together to pack and put her personal stuff in her dad's car.

Back at the mansion they had their lunch and talked about the past week as per their ritual. Emma could see the happy glow on her father face, since she has officially shifted back in the mansion.

The entire weekend was gone in settling back at her semi-old-new home as she now calls this place. Even though it's her old house, but at the same time, its new as well, since she'll have more freedom this time around. But it's yet to be tested, whether she is as independent as she feel or is it all a phantasm.

                            *   *   *

On Sunday Adian went to golf club as per his usual routine, he never got the philosophy behind this game. Yet he goes there on most of the Sundays if not every, considering that most of the deals were finalled in this place in the name of golf.

He strode straight to the small café cum bar situated in the corner of the club, every one came here to unwind and do some business.

He sat at his usual table in one side of
cafe from where he can keep an eye on the door as well as on other tables.
He patiently sat down and waited for his best friend and business partner on some projects, Ethan Severo.

After five minutes Ethan came and sat down in front of Adian. They didn't need unnecessary pleasantries for each other.

Ethan has drawn the attention of everyone in the club with his air of unquestioned authority. He looks menacing with a scar going from his left eye to the top of his left ear. There are rumors that he is part of Italian mafia but Adian doesn't believe that. He is a ruthless, arrogant, stone hearted, womanizing bastard but not a criminal.

"So heard you bagged a meeting with James at last" Ethan asked in a deep baritone.

"Well, hello to you too Eth. It's been a long time man and thanks for asking am good too" Adian teased.

"Get over yourself Ad, you know that I don't believe in unnecessary pleasantries. What's the need to ask how you are doing when I know you are doing good and you can see I am healthy as a horse. Now stop your bullshit stalling tactics. Tell me how did you manage this miracle of all miracle" Ethan said and leaned back in his seat.

Adian was about to reveal how he was able to get hold of James, the waiter cut in to take their orders, once everything was out of the way.

Adian took a deep breath and started "I am not the miracle worker, rather my new assistant is. She is truly something man. You should meet her, she's a beauty with brain." Adian was smiling even without realising when he was describing his assistant, which piqued Ethan's interest, he have never seen this look on his friends face.

"Well am I going to meet Miss Beauty with brains on Monday in the meeting." Queried Ethan, now he really wanted meet this girl.

"I don't know I didn't ask her to come for the meeting as we both will be going and I didn't want to scare off James with the crowd. But you can defenetily come back to office and meet her."

Adian and Ethan, both wanted to work together on this deal, now it was all upto James.

Adian showed Ethan the presentation which Emma prepared and her work really impressed Ethan.

"She truly is brilliant. You have got a star in your mist,don't let her get away Ad." Ethan said sounding impressed.

Adian just gave him a smile and together they tweaked some stuff here and there accordingly, not leaving any chances.

Finishing all the last touch up, Adian kept away his laptop and they both started to catch up with each other as usual.

Not edited do let me know the mistakes.

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