JL 21

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They danced for a while, finding solace in each other's arms. Lost to the feelings, creating havoc in their bodies. They were so engrossed in each other that they couldn't tell how much time has passed by, since they started dancing. A few seconds, minutes or hours later, Emma didn't know what, her stomach growled, which made her embarrassed and Adian laughed a bit.

"I am sorry. We should have eaten before dancing." She blushed due to embarrassment and hid her face on his chest. Adian didn't want to embarrass her further he gave her a tight hug, pulled her out of his arms and moved towards the table. Like a gentleman  he pulled out the chair and helped her sit in. After taking their seat comfortably, Mrs Kimona came out with other help and placed the food upfront of them.

They both thanked her politely for her service. Mrs. Kimona turned towards Emma  with a mischievous  smile and said "I hope this dinner will turn out a memorable one  for you." Before Adian could say anything she turned and glided back towards the mansion. Emma gave him a look and asked "What was that all about?"

"Nothing, sweetheart. Forget her for a while let's enjoy the dinner." He beamed at her. Not thinking much about it, she started to enjoy the dinner. They talked about light hearted  stuff, their past and childhood  antics, with the background music of waves hitting the shore constantly. Emma didn't want it to end, she was feeling content.

After finishing the dinner they decides to take a stroll along the shore. Laughingly both of them took of their shoes and Adian rolled up his trouser Upto his knees, hand in hand they both took off for the walk.

Walking aimlessly and collecting the shells, their laughter was added to the music of nature. They came near a coconut tree and Emma rested her body on its trunk, when all of a sudden Adian bend down on knee, before pulling out a small box out of his trouser pocket. All this while Emma was looking at him in shock, opening and closing her mouth like a fish out of water. It would have been comical if Adian wasn't feeling so nervous himself. He has never proposed  a girl in his life and was scared of Emma's reaction. He knew she didn't expect him to propose her this soon, even if their relationship  was getting stronger day by day.

He looked up at her with hopeful expression on his face. "Don't say anything, please. Let me just finish first. okay?" She nodded her head at him still in shock. " I have never done this in my life. So if I say something wrong please ignore me. I can't do long cheesy speech. So here goes nothing. Emma Kotler, I know that we are moving at a jet speed but I know this is the right direction, you are my perfect other half to balance out my life. Will you do the honour of marrying me?" He took out the ring from the box and waited for her answer patiently, he knew it was fast and out of the blue. So he gave her a bit time to get thoughts together and make the right decision.

Emma didn't know what to say, was it right to take such a life changing decision so fast. In her heart she knew he was 'it' for her. No one else can take his place in her life. But then there was this tiny little thing about her which he didn't knew, was it right  to accept  his proposal without telling him the truth about her. She came to a decision at last, she'll tell him everything after this vacation. She just wanted to enjoy these few days with him and hopefully he'll understand her reasons. Letting out a big breath she said softly "Yes."

That was all Adian needed he slid the ring on her finger, before she could even look at it, he lifted her in his arms and twirled around with laughter and happiness. After he was done with his childish antic, Emma looked at her perfect ring a simple band with a oval black diamond  surrounded by small sapphire. She fell in love with her ring and thanked Adian.They walked for a while enjoying each other's company and processing  this change in their life.

Their entire vacation was spent exploring the island, eating, sleeping and making love. Emma learned there is more the man than the work sees in him. This castle was the only source of employment in the village. Adian has appointed two doctors for the villagers and if some one faced a severe condition, they were immediately sent to the town for better treatment and the cost was bared by Adian.  This was not the only thing, he has also opened the school for children in one part of the castle and those interested in further education were given scholarships. All this made Emma feel proud of Adian. She didn't realise how fast these couple of days has gone by. They were packed and ready to leave. Mrs. Kimona came to inform her that everything is set for them to leave.
Emma got up from the bed hugged Mrs Kimona for her warmth and care.
"It's me who should thank you. For bringing such happiness in Adian's life."

At last they boarded the plane and it was time for Emma to come clean. They were one hour into the flight when Emma gathered courage to tell Adian, she was stopped short because he received a call. She didn't  know what the other person was saying, but it surely didn't look good. As Adian's turned into a tense and angry man from a jovial and relaxed person.

Before she could ask him what was wrong, he got up and went to a room set up as his office. She didn't know whether she was welcomed or not, but by the looks of him he didn't want anyone near him.
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