JL 15

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I have no words to thank you all for the love, support and patience you have shown me. This chapter is dedicated to u all.

It's been a month since their first date and their relationship has been getting better and better ever since. Even though Adian was a bit upset with her, for withholding such an important thing from him, but he overcame it.

Today is a very important day for him, as James has finally agreed to be his partner, for this new venture. He couldn't wait for Emma to hear the good news.

He's been waiting for her since last one hour. Finally, as if he conjured her to the office, he heard her drawer being shut, he couldn't wait a second long and took long strides to meet her. He found her back towards his door and an evil glint came to his eyes. It was very easy to startle her and he thought she deserved it, for making him wait so long.

He quietly went behind and enveloped her in his arms, while he bit her lobe in a playful manner; Emma let out a shriek and started hitting him for scaring the crap out of her.

He couldn't stop himself and started laughing at her expressions and tried to apologize, even though he enjoyed scaring her. It was his favourite pass time as a kid and he realized with a surprise that he enjoyed doing this again after so many years. He shook his head and said "I can't believe you still get scared so easily."

"If you play that trick on me again I will do some bodily harm to you, just remember that" she threatened him with pursed lips and a cute frown. He huged her tightly and then truly apologized to her.

"I didn't mean to do that, but you made me wait so long to share my good news and when I found you lost in your world, I simply couldn't resist" he shrugged innocently.

"First of all, I wasn't "lost in my world" I was preparing my table in order and secondly what was the good news, that you couldn't wait an hour or so to share it with me" she said with a huff, still a little put off with his trick.

"You won't believe your ears, when I will tell you" he said with a triumph smile which made her forget everything and brought a gentle smile to her lips.

"James finally agreed to do business with us" he exclaimed and started spinning her. His happiness made her happy in return.

So lost were they in their world, that they didn't even realize someone else has entered their cabin.

When they heard someone clearing their throat, were they bought back to the shattering reality of where they were and what they are doing. They hurriedly straightened their clothes and tried a bit to act as professional but Ethan couldn't stop himself from laughing out at their antics.

"Are you two sure you are not five years old but a working professional. I wonder how you two manage to do work here"

"We work just fine" Adian grumbled at his friend, while Emma excused herself and hurried out of the office with blazing cheeks.

"Okay, now that you are done playing, can we get to work and finish viewing the agreement; which is to be signed by James in next 4 hours ." Ethan said being his usual grumpy self.

"You know it's okay to let go some times. You should try it once in a while. It will do you a whole lot of good my friend." Ethan just shook his head at his friend.

Adian didnt know what has happened to him, he was a closed off person from the beginning but something has happened in his life which made him just the shell of a person he knew.

Leaving it for another day to dwell on it, he followed him into to his office to do the final touches in the agreement.

He didn't find Emma anywhere when he left the office and didn't even have time to look around.

Once the deal was signed and sealed he texted Emma, to wait for him in the office, so that they can celebrate together.

Once he had the celebratory drinks he left the party and hurried back to his office.

Adian quietly opened the door of his office and found Emma, lost in her thoughts, viewing out of his office glass wall.

He walked behind her quietly and said "Hi." to her softly; so as to not startle her, like he did earlier; while taking her into his arms and resting his chin on her shoulder, and she leaned back in his embrace, lost in the tranquility of the moment.


Do let me know about your thoughts, so far how's the story going... is it too clichéd, going over the top or ok.

Once again a big thank you to everyone for their support.

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