Chapter Twenty Eight

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When she was a little girl Heidi had always been interested in animals. Her family had a small farm to fit her needs and she spent every free moment tending to her pets. Giving the ducks fresh water, loving on dogs, brushing out her horses beautiful mane. There was always something she noticed when taking care of them however. Food was the key to their life. It didn't matter if it was a mammal, reptile, or bird. When it was feeding time they would flock around and loose interest in everything else.

When the sun went down Heidi would go into the house to eat her dinner. It would be quite enough to give her time to think about this odd behavior. The animals weren't the odd part, it was the comparison of them with regular normal humans.

People love to believe that humans are the top of the food chain, but let's be truthful hunger is the only thing that keeps them going.
Animals spend their day grazing and hunting but so does mankind. The diet may different though. Some live for the hunt of money, others search for love and it never is enough. The hunger grows.

The same look she saw in those animals is what she saw in the eyes in front of her.

Two woman clawing at each other with a glare that was sharp enough to cut diamond.

Harper held the black gun in her hand so tightly that no one would be able to pry it out of her fingers. Ava on the other hand stood weaponless with only her posture still standing straight to shield her from danger.

She wanted to show Harper she was standing in the doorway of the hot kitchen, but no words came out.

" I didn't think you would come" Harper finally said quietly.

"Of course I came." Heidi replied trying to search for more words, "Are you hurt?"

Ava scoffed, "She's probably a little sore." Watching the young girls jaw clench the raven haired woman knew she said the right thing, "If you pick this blonde Barbie then she needs to know the truth darling." She placed her finger on her chin like she was thinking, "but what to tell her first?"

"Shut up."

"Maybe about who your parents really were, maybe about the love we made this morning."

Harper moved closer with the gun. "You are not in control."

"I can sense you unraveling. I don't need a weapon to have you under my control." Ava said with a smirk. Looking over at Heidi she winked, "She tasted great by the way."

Staring between the two Miss. Lamarr felt her heart lite on fire. She wanted to save Harper, but there was nothing to save. She could take care of herself even though she wanted to scoop her away. She has never been a damsel in distress. "Harper." She paused waiting for the blue eyes to look at her, "You don't have to tell me anything."

Seeing her sincerity Harper let the gun fall to her side. How did she know she was true? The short answer was she didn't, but for some reason the risk of getting hurt with Heidi didn't scare her as much. "Is the police coming?"

"I'll call them yes."

She still stood in the kitchen with a face of questions. She didn't want to look ever at the woman who stood with a smirk. "You need to go before they come."

Ava gave a questioning look, "You finally have the power in your hands and you let me go?"

"I always had the power." Harper replied smiling, "I'll get your money, I'll get the five minutes of fame. And I'll get into the industry faster than I ever could with a scholarship. It's icing on the cake to let you go free and know you will search for the rest of your life for someone else like me, searching for the person to fill the void of failing, but no one else will bring you satisfaction."

Heidi took a breath trying not to make a sound. There was no way she wanted to ruin whatever moment this was. She thought out of everyone in the room she shouldn't be the one that's scared, but she was honestly very frightened and turned on.

"And when you finally think you are happy, I will pop into your mind and make you cry. When you try to fuck anyone else You will only be able to picture me. And it'll never be a reality." Harper stated turning and walking over to Heidi, "You will forever remember my face kissing the lips of someone that's not yours." Bringing the blondes face closer Harper fit her lips onto the woman's and kissed her so softly that it made Heidi feel like a cloud was the only thing holding her up from the ground. The anxiety that filled her heart washed away. Taking a second from the kiss and opening her  eyes slightly Heidi watched a door slam behind black heels. Smiling she wrapped her arms around the girls petite figure and picked her up slightly, "I love you Harper Moore."

"I love you too Miss. Lamarr."

We are coming to the end everyone. Only one more chapter! It's sad to see the story ending soon, but I want everyone that has read, commented, and voted to know that I appreciate it so much. I used to write all the time, but I lost interest after some negative things in my life. Now I'm getting older and I don't care anymore about those things. I just want to create.

After this book is finished it will be going through editing And I will be releasing TWO books I am in the process of creating. I hope you stick around to read those and I thank you so much for being here!


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