Chapter Twenty Two

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Setting her plastic sack down Harper sat herself on the end of a large rock. Looking down she could see the waves crashing. Meeting with the earth like they were enemies. The ocean shore lies jagged, the rocky outcrops a torn piece of paper where they meet the rushing waves. The shore is everything at once, every sense bombarded in a way that brings her mind to an elevated thought. 

Taking the tag off of her cheap golden fishing pole Harper threaded the fishing line through th tiny holes and looked around. No other person was in sight, probably because it was so early. The sunset came up slowly to say hello bringing a beautiful filter onto the water. 

When she had left the hotel room at five in the morning Miss. Lamarr was cuddled up on her bed and Miss. Rose laid on top of hers with a book in her hand. Leaving a note she snuck out with her bed folded back up resembling a couch. When she walked down to a little shack that sold fishing equipment she put a couple of dollars on the cabinet and the old wrinkly man handed over the bait. 

Openeing it she covered her nose with a surprised face. It smelt worse than New York's streets in the dead of summer. 

She looked at her finished pole and sighed, What was she supposed to with it now? She had seen in the movies people fishing but they never explained how they did it, or the smell that would linger. Times like this she wanted to enjoy her experience but it was hard to do that when thoughts of her childhood resurfaced. How different would her life be if she had a dad to teach her how to cast a fishing pole? 

"Your note was vague." Miss. Lamarr said jumping from rock to rock. Her hair was pulled back tightly with loose blonde strands somehow getting loose and large sunglasses that covered most of her makeup-less face. 

"I thought I would be back before you got up." 

Pushing her hands into her hoodies pockets she smiled, "Have you caught anything?"

Suddenly Harper became embarrassed, "No." she replied quietly.

Sensing her change in tone Heidi sat down next to her, "Has any bait touched the water?"

Shaking her head the young girl tucked her hair behind her ear and studied her own hand. "I don't really know how to fish."

Trying to hold back her smile Heidi grabbed the pole and studied it, "My grandpa used to take me fishing during the holidays. We would sit in a small wooden boat all day drinking cold orange sodas." Showing her slowly she cast the pole into the water and handed it over, "When you feel a tug just start reeling it in." 

Not knowing how to reply Harper watched the water closely, "Is that how you and him bonded?"

She laughed, "Hell no, I wasn't allowed to talk. That would scare the fish away."

Leaning her head on the older woman shoulder Harper closed her eyes, "A few months ago I would have preferred to see this sunrise alone." She looked up, "But it's kind of nice to share this moment with you."

There was no hiding the smile that forced its way onto her face, Turning towards her Heidi pushed her sunglasses to the top of her head, "Yesterday night we almost kissed."

Waiting for her to finish Harper nodded.

"Was that a mistake?"

"if that was then this definitely is," Harper whispered leaning in filling the space between their lips. They collided in such a subtle way that it was like kissing a cloud. Heidi's hand reached up to cup her face in a way that made harper feel like every part of her had fireworks go off. Maybe it was the way her face fit with hers, or maybe the way Harper's hair covering both of their faces but both felt like nothing else was stronger. Not even the waves that crashed below them. they held each other tight and din't let go until finally Heidi let her eyes open. she couldn't tell the difference between the water and the girls eyes that seemed to have a roaring storm inside. 

"Every time I look at you I feel like im chasing after a star that shines to bright for me." 

Harper scrunched her face, "that's impossible." 

Leaning back Heidi decided to just smile, did that even really happen? It felt like a dream that was uninterrupted by a pinch. 

Grabbing her fishing pole the young girl started reeling it in slowly sticking her tongue out as a way of concentration. Her muscles popped out notifying Heidi that she did in fact have a fish. "I think I have one." 

Looking over the edge she watched Harper bring the large fish up to the surface as she pulled it up slowly. What a great comparison she thought, she caught the best fish in the sea. 

Grabbing the slimy creature Harper put it on the rock beside them and looked at it closely, running her hands over its scales and feeling the gory substance that covered it She sighed. "What do we do with it now?"

Heidi shrugged taking in the image, "We can eat it." 

Taking the pointy hook out of the fishes mouth she picked it up and smiled. She felt accomplished even though  it wore off quickly. 

Watching her throw the fish back into the water Heidi glanced over her shoulder to see Fiona and Abigail walking the opposite direction. Had they seen the kiss? Putting her hands in her pocket anxiety filled her chest as she tried to think of an excuse, but there was none. She kissed her student and there was no way around that. 


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