Chapter Sixteen

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Harper let the cherry flavored popsicle roll around in her mouth while she read quietly. The classroom made noise as they discussed a topic she wasn't even aware of. It had come to her attention however that Miss. Rose enjoyed throwing debatable topics into the mix and watching them argue. Harper wondered what she enjoyed about it. Maybe she just wanted people to stand up for what they believe in, but she was enjoying it too much for that to be the case. Licking the bottom of her delicious treat so it wouldn't drip Harper froze hearing the familiar sound of heels coming closer. That sound always intimidated her.

"Why are you eating in my classroom?" Miss.Rose asked clasping her hands behind her back.

The girl didn't have anything to say she just smacked her lips and stood up. "I'll throw it away."

"No, no." She stopped her and motioned her to sit back down, "Harper, as much as I love that you're reading I would rather you engage in the discussion at hand." Miss, Rose walked back over to her spot where she lifted herself up and sat on her desk. "We were discussing the use of recreational drugs."

Her heart stopped that topic always hit a sensitive spot. what did Miss. Rose know? "I don't have an opinion on that...topic."

Raised eyebrows was her teachers first response, "oh?" She let her eyes scan the young girls red plump lips. Ava could remember how they tasted and felt all she wanted to do was feel them close to hers again. "Why not?"

"I don't use them personally but I don't care what others do."

"So you think people should have free will?" Fiona chimed in.

Gulping air Harper refused to answer.

Abigail who sat in her usual spot cleaned the dirt under her nails, "it's ok. There's always the ones who are to weak to speak their mind."

Miss. Rose looked between the two and smirked.

Harper looked at her melting popsicle and noticed the red flow down her hand. "May I go to the restroom?"

"So now you want to avoid the topic all together?" Abigail snapped sitting forward.

"I need to wash my hands." Harper stated walking towards the door. "Unless you want me to rub this on my ass so you can lick it off." Throwing what was left of her treat in the trash she opened the door. "I don't have to state my opinions for them to matter. I understand that thinking is hard, that's why you judge everyone else, but it takes two sides to build a bridge."

Miss. Rose crossed her arms proudly and looked over at Her students who had nothing to say until the door was shut behind the girl.

"It takes two sides to build a bridge." Abigail mocked slumping down in her seat. "She sounds So American.

Fiona let the curve of her mouth curl up as she scribbled down unrecognizable words.

Walking down the silent hallway Harper stopped and read the information board. The short stout secretary who never seemed to leave her desk for anything waddled out and stepped on her green stool, "Congratulations Harper!" She patted the girls back and pinned a piece of paper to the wall before picking up her stool and leaving. Biting her lip confused Harper looked at the paper seeing her name.


Margo Werdin

Hannah Koehler

Harper Moore

Fiona Teller.

Abigail Simpson

She couldn't believe what she just read. Everyone she heard talking about this said it was an opportunity of a lifetime. Maybe all the hard work she had taken the time to put in was finally paying off. Letting a small squeal slip between her teeth she ran down another hallway to the only person she felt needed to know. "MRS. HUE I WON." Harper yelled slipping into the room.

The lady laughed and put her papers down clapping. "Oh my goodness!" Grabbing the frail woman and pulling her into a hug Harper loosened her grip so as to not hurt her and pulled away slowly. "I'm so proud of you! You deserve this dear." Mrs. Hue clapped again to show she was excited and watched the young girl jump around the room Chanting and singing.


Bumping into someone Harper looked at over and red flushed her cheeks. "Sorry Mrs. Lamar."

Heidi had been watching her the entire time and was having a hard time controlling the giant grin plastered on her face. She couldn't help but let her heart radiate for that little dance. "So I'm a loser who sits and cries huh?" She said finally letting words come out. It seemed like overtime she was around blued eye girl talking became something she really had to take the time to think about.

Feeling heat rise from her cheeks Harper laughed with a tiny snort, "That's...that's embarrassing."

"Don't be embarrassed it was cute". She winked at the young girl and put the camera she was using down. "Come give me a hug. I'm happy for you Harper."

Fitting into each other's bodies just right Heidi closed her eyes and let herself remember the way her body feels. Letting go and sitting back down she brushed through her hair and let her shaky hand pick up the camera. She had been with numerous people, modeled in front of the camera, and been hit on by so many people she couldn't even count, but for some reason this girl made her feel like the first week of a flu.

Harper watched what she was doing for a second trying to think about what to say but instead headed back over to the older woman. Suddenly she missed the way Heidi smelled. She was so sweet and intoxicating. "When is the trip?" Harper asked pushing her other thoughts away and taking a jolly rancher from the bottom drawer. She was the only student allowed by Mrs. Hue's desk and she ate up the special treatment as much as she could

Checking her email Mrs. hue positioned her reading glasses, "In a couple of weeks. Not long off."

Smiling in return Harper sat down on the little bench and sneaked a look at Miss. Lamar who plugged in the camera to a laptop. She sat so straight it must hurt, but it wasn't painful for her eyes at all to see the outline of her arched back, through the shirt. Hearing the bell ring Harper made her way to the door "Well I better be going. I'll see you in class later." Leaving the room she walked down the now crowded hallway of students filing out. Stepping to the side to allow people to pass Harper looked forward and watched Miss. Rose walk almost slow motion. Books in her hand talking to some man about something that seemed serious. She was beautiful, there was no doubt about that. Letting her fingers touch her lips she smiled to herself remembering the kiss. She didn't even know how to feel about it, but it still made her smile. Before she knew it Miss. Rose was stopped in front of her smiling. She must have struggled to get through all the kids to meet her on the other side of the hallway "I saw your name on the board." Stepping closer Ava grinned. "I'm very proud of you, but I wasn't surprised in the slightest."

"Thank you Miss. Rose."

"Would you like to come to my room tonight?" She bent down at ear level, "Maybe we can celebrate." Her voice echoed through Harpers body making her heart beat and her cheeks once again turn red. Why did her french accent have to be so fucking seductive.

Thinking about it for a second she thought about the school work she needed to complete but pushed it to the back of her mind. Harper looked up innocently, "What kind of celebrate."

Raising her eyebrows Ava looked around but so no one of importance so she stared back at the girl and stared intently, "what kind do you want?"

"The spaghetti kind..."

Miss. Rose had worked years making sure she was the dominant one. Every waking moment she planned out how to make the girls love her and yet she let her giant brick wall crumble down for a split second to laugh at the pure innocence that radiated off of the young girls smile. It would usually bother her that she wasn't in control of her emotions but for just one minute of her life she laughed and let herself love someone. Maybe she could even spend the evening showing that she could love, but just an evening. "Anything for you Darling."


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