Chapter Twenty

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Sitting down at the end of the dinner table Harper leaned forward and saw everyone else already ordering their food. Barely getting off of the plane and being very sleep deprived did not help her concentrate at all.

"Are you alright?"

Harper smiled at Heidi who sat adjacent to her "I just want to sleep."

She nodded in agreement. Peeking over her menu Miss. Lamarr bit her lip watching the young girl read over the food. "We will go to our hotel after we eat and settle in."

"What was it about this dinner that was important again?" Harper asked leaning closer to Heidi.

She sighed, "he's the owner of the resort." They both looked down at the other end of the table where Miss. Rose and the headmistress laughed at something he said.

"Why is he eating with us?"

She shrugged, "hell if I know."

Running her tongue over her teeth Harper glanced over at the blonde woman and smiled. She was so excited to be in Hawaii. She hadn't seen much with it being dark outside but when she stepped out of the airport she could smell sea air and feel the breeze of the oceans waves. No matter how tired she was she could skip sleep if it meant not wasting a moment on the island. What made it better oddly is that she felt so co for table with Heidi. She never pushed to have her questions answered and she felt like she could be herself around her. Maybe on this trip they could bond, get to know each other more. Usually that would scare Harper, but this time she yearned to tell all her secrets.

"Have you ever been in love?"

Looking up quickly Heidi stuttered a few times trying think of what to say, "Once." She finally admitted.

Coming over from talking to the others the waiter came over with his notebook, "What would you like this evening ladies?"

"The shrimp Alfredo linguine please." Harper said with a smile.

"And for you miss?"

Still thinking about the question Heidi shook her head, "the same."

Handing over their menus Heidi noticed Ava looking over at them. Turning her head to face her Miss. Rose gave a wink before turning back to their conversation. She was trying to intimidate, but Heidi wasn't interested in playing her games. All she wanted was to be alone with Harper. undress her wounds and figure out who she is. What if she felt the same about her? Why would she ask if she didn't feel some sort of pull to learn about her?

"So you have been in love?"

Turning back towards Harpers warm water eyes Heidi smiled, "I dated her through college but we wanted different things."

Grinning when she heard the word 'her' Harper took a drink of her water, "I'm sorry it didn't work out."

"Don't be." Heidi took a piece of bread from the middle basket, "I know your young but have you ever been in love?"

"No I haven't... I don't even know what it feels like."

Chewing slowly Heidi seemed to forget everyone else that were present at the table, "Some people think it's a burning desire to be with them. To have wild sex and obsessive over each other's qualities, but really love is bringing them their favorite candy just because you want to make them smile, Love is wanting to know all about their great uncle and his third wife, Love is..."  She paused looking up at the young girl who sat listening very closely, "Love is wanting to look at the same pair of eyes every night before going to sleep and every morning when you wake up."

"That sounds intense." Harper whispered swallowing a knot in her throat.

"It's the most intense and scary thing in the world."

Both stayed quite for a few seconds.  "You said you wanted to do something that scared you while we are here."

Shaking her head Heidi tried hiding her smile. That is exactly what she wanted. She wanted to fall in love with Harper at sunset while collecting shells. She wanted to buy her Girl Scout cookies for as long as time would let her.

Putting her face in her palms Harper sighed, "I don't think I have the balls to be in love." Sneaking a look at the blonde woman Harper wrinkled her eyebrows thinking. She had never noticed how elegant Miss. Lamarr was. her blonde hair was a perfect shade of golden and her lips were red and plump to seduce anyone who took a look at them. Her eyes were soft and approachable, but her voice made you shrink back into your seat.  "Do you think me and you could sneak out tonight?"

Stopping her hand from putting anymore bread in her mouth Heidi's eyes darted from the group who still talked amongst themselves back to the young girl who grinned wildly. That wasn't a good idea. "What did you have in mind?"

She motioned her forward until Heidi's ear was close to Harpers lips, "There's a beach close by that is private, so no one else will be there."

Feeling her stomach tie up into a bow tie Heidi nodded slowly, "We could get in big trouble."

"Then we can't get caught can we?"

Letting the waiter put their food in front of them Heidi sucked on her cheeks, she knew it wasn't smart but she couldn't let this chance fly by. "Ok."


Very short chapter but I hope you enjoy!

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