Chapter Twenty One

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Placing her feet slowly in the sand Heidi couldn't help but let a sigh of joy flee from her lips. The rough sand flowed through her toes making all her stress disappear. What was it about the sound of the ocean and the feeling of sand? It's odd that on her family vacations she always had so much fun, she always enjoyed them when they went to the beach. Even though everyone fought and words were thrown around like knives she still felt at peace. She hadn't been on a family vacation in years.

Remembering Harper wasn't very far behind she turned to only have her jaw drop. "Harper what are you doing?" 

Placing her shirt on the ground the young girl started taking off her ripped jeans. "I'm going in the water."

Running over Heidi placed her hand on Harpers before realizing where they were on her front button and zipper. Removing her hands quickly Heidi felt her cheeks grow warm. Not knowing what to do her eyes glanced up to see Harper grinning and not being shy at all about her being in just her bra. She wanted to think of her as her student. Someone that was undeveloped and innocent, but Harper was definitely matured. Not just from her mind but her body.

"I didn't bring a swimsuit." Heidi finally mumbled stepping away.

"I didn't either."

Pulling off her hands and throwing them to the side Harper started running out to the water. It was dark outside and not many lights were working so all Heidi could see was a faint outline of the girls curves before she heard splash Followed by waves pounding at the earth. Crossing her arms in thought Heidi quickly looked around before throwing off her shoes, "This is stupid Heidi."

Running out to join her Heidi went ankle deep and stopped to admire the young girl peeking out of the water, only showing her eyes reflect the moons light as she stared back with a smile.

"Come deeper." Harper said softly letting herself float.

The water wasn't rough but every once in a while there was a wave big enough to knock them over so cautiously Heidi walked forward until she swam next to her.

"I've never done this before." Harper stated looking up at the twinkling stars.

"Swam at night?"

"Swam in the ocean."

Trying not to show her surprise Heidi swam closer, "I'm glad I get to share this first with you."

Not saying anything back for a few seconds Harper let herself float closer to her teacher, "We can share a lot of first."  She tasted the water for the first time and it surprised her. It was true it salty like they say in the movies, but it stung her eyes.

Letting the waves bring them closer Harper felt a whole zoo in her chest, she wanted to tell her how she felt but she didn't know how. How do you explain to your teacher that you want to kiss them?

Taking the chance Harper leaned forward until she felt the woman's breathe on her.

"Harper I-"

"What a beautiful night for a swim!"

Separating quickly Heidi rolled her eyes seeing Ava wave her shawl from the shore. Waving back Harper laughed slightly, Heidi could Tell she was nervous too. She watched her swim back until she was able to walk on the sand.

Giving an irritated yell Heidi submerged her head into the water.

"Look at you." Miss. Rose stated licking her lips. She didn't even try to hide her eyes checking out Harper. Why would she? She must not be shy about it if she was that close to another woman in just her undergarments. "You look ravishing."

Walking over to her Harper smiled at the woman. "Thank you."

Why couldn't she be like the other girls?

"Take this, it must be cold." Wrapping the shawl around the young girl Ava pulled her close and held on tight to her arm, "I want you to know how beautiful you look."

Adverting her eyes Harper saw Heidi coming up from behind. "I'm going to go up to the room."

Waiting to make sure she was out of ear shot The blonde woman put her shirt on and walked over, "What the fuck is your problem?"

Looking out at the water Ava couldn't help but smirk. "I'm not the one in my underwear." Looking over Miss. Rose raised an eyebrow, "She's pretty isn't she."

"Yes."  She replied crossing her arms.

"She's a student."

"Don't act innocent!" Heidi yelled, "I asked around about you. You aren't getting away with anything."

Ava let her hair down and ran her fingers through her through the knots slowly. What was it about an island breeze that made her skin feel so good? Maybe it was the moisture in the air. Even then she didn't think she could like a place meant to be so happy. She liked the cold because it meant something darker, it meant storms and evil, but poetically you never realize how scary the ocean could be until you looked out and saw no land for miles. Maybe it was because of the unknown.

"You fuck around with these young girls and you think your invincible because you have money hidden away." Heidi finally said quietly.  

She nodded. "I'm not an angel, but at least I don't try to pretend to be."

"What's that suppose to mean?"

On Harper her American accent sounds cute and strong, but on her it just sounded annoying.  "You call me a monster yet you were with your student..."

Other than the waves silence was heard.

"While you try to uncover my deep dark secrets Miss. Lamarr I'll be getting her to fall madly deeply in love with me." Ava started walking towards the resort , "but I'm glad you got to play slut for a night."

"What If she doesn't ever feel the way you want her to?"

Ava stopped, "She will."


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