Chapter Twenty Seven

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The smell of old leather lingered in the rented van. It was a smell that many people appreciated but Heidi felt sick every time she took a small whiff. Even though the keys jangled with every bump the car was silent. It was probably because of her and she was aware of that. They tried saying everything would be ok but she didn't want to pretend it was comforting.

She didn't know how long she could she stick around pretending to be ok and hold her tongue. She was the only one who was wound up simply because no one else seemed surprised and she blamed them.

How long would it be until it broke her down inside and it becomes too late before she could admit that she was madly deeply in love with her student. It felt silly to think, especially since she had known her for a short while but she couldn't help the way her heart bounced at the thought of Harper. She lost her train of thought when with her and just stared at the innocent smile. She didn't want that smile to ripped from her and replaced by fear.

"It's ok Heidi we will find her." Patty stated looking concerned.

Feeling herself holding her breathe the blonde blinked a few times remembering she needed to pay attention to the road. She was trying so hard to hide all of the feelings inside, but it wasn't working. Every cheesy cliche she had ever heard of filled her mind and it scared her to know she couldn't hide it from the girls in the car. "How much farther?"

Opening her phone she paused, "45 minutes."

"Where are we?" Fiona asked leaning up.

"Looks like the middle of no where." Abigail replied looking out the window.

Biting the inside of her mouth Heidi's eye's stared forward and her fist clutched the steering wheel hard enough to make her knuckles white. The worse case scenario was the only thing she could think about. Being there in front of the girl that she had fallen for and have her turn the other way towards the raven haired serpent that would snicker and walk away with the most precious girl in the world.


Watching Ava take a sip of her blood colored wine Harper moved the food around her plate before taking a small bite of vegetables. Feeling the cold metal fork that held in her hand she thought about what damage it could do to a person. Sensing eyes on her she took another bite. No matter how much she wanted too Harper couldn't bring herself to harm the older woman.

"Do you like this recipe?"

Nodding Harper twirled the white pasta carefully, "It's very creamy."

"It's my mothers."

Licking her lips the blue eyed girl leaned forward to sip her water. "You've never talked about your parents before."

"Neither have you."

"I didn't know them."

Noticing how quick her response was Ava listened to the crickets outside. She loved the sound of complete nothingness. "My mother was beautiful. She always had make up on and heels. I never saw her in anything but her finest dresses. She worked every day and enjoyed it. My father however worked from home, but I saw him even less. Always smelled divine though."

Trying to picture that image in her head Harper smiled, "Were they happy?"

Pausing Ava looked deep into Harpers eyes, "I never saw them argue a day in my life. My father took care of my mother and she took care of him."

"What does that consist of?"

Putting down her fork Ava smiled, "Well that means that I would put you first in my life. I will take care of you, protect you, give you everything you need to be happy. Just like my father."

"What about your mother?"

"Giving her trust to him."

Feeling the air conditioner kick on Harper felt her body loosen. "I never wanted kids."

Furrowing her eyebrows Ava nodded, "what do you want?"

"To travel. To create."

Thinking back to when she admitted her plan to the young girl Ava Rose fought with herself internally. She wanted to take her to a safe place so nothing could take her away. Give her children to take care of so she would feel obligated to stay, but maybe she didn't need to be scared about that. What if she didn't want to be taken away. "I can give that to you."

Watching the older woman get up from her seat and walk over Harper felt soft hands land softly on hers as Ava kneeled in front of her. "We could leave tonight. Wherever you want to go."

Coming up with every option in her mind Harper tried to speak but nothing left her mouth. What was the right thing to do?

Feeling the tension suddenly switch a knock at the door broke both woman out of their trance. Ava carefully raised up bringing Harper with her. "Go to our room."

Not even hesitating Harper left leaving Miss. Rose alone staring at the door. Looking through the peep hole she saw no one other than Miss. Lamarr. This seemed like an easy fix. Everything was going perfect but she shows up yet again to ruin everything she has worked so hard for. Walking to the kitchen Ava opened the drawer to see nothing stare back at her accept emptiness. The gun was gone.

Turning sharply she looked behind her to see Harper come around the corner with the gun in her hand. Her face was stern but the look she once saw behind her eyes were gone. Ava studied the young girl, the gun wasn't shaking in her hand. Her voice was one note, and her body stood straight with dominance. She had never seen Harper like this before. "They are going to take you away from me! Put the gun down Harper you don't know how to use that."

Another knock at the door broke the silence between them as Harper grinned, "You didn't really believe that you manipulated me that easy did you?"

"I don't know what-"

Her blue eyes shined bright like clear water. That was the problem with her eyes. You can see the bottom, but the clearness deceives how deep it really it is. Who would have thought it was deeper than a cavern that held hidden treasures. Guarded by a curse that she couldn't break.  

"Can you not love me?"

Putting the gun down slightly she thought for a minute. "I used to think it was impossible for me to love, but a special girl changed that." Looking up again she smiled, "Can you believe it's not you?" 

"You are just like me Harper. That love isn't real. No one can break that hatred in your heart." 

"That's not true."

"It is Harper." Stepping forward Ava whispered, "I know what happened to you when you were little. I know you want nothing more than to feel love, but you can't have it. Not with these normal people. They don't know what it's like to spin out of control."

"Stop acting like you know who I am."

"I'm not acting." 

Swallowing the knot in her throat Harper listened to the door being forced open. 

"You will never be able to love her, because she will just hurt you like everyone else." The pale woman hissed. "Then you'll be wishing I was there to give you everything."

Hearing the door finally give. They stood staring at each other while footsteps were heard getting closer. 


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