Chapter Twenty Three

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Miss. Lamarr sat on the bench and watched the four girls she was supposed to accompany on the boating excursion. She remembered what it was like to feel how they do, in their minds the world is looking at them and they must be at their very best for whatever person is looking their way. After every joke they look around to make sure people noticed their hair flip before continuing their conversation.

Biting her nails Heidi let her sandals make a flopping sound as she bounced her leg. She hated feeling guilty, as much as she didn't want to feel that way she did. Her teaching license could be taken and far worse if anyone found out. She had to see if Abigail and Fiona saw what happened on the rocks early in the morning.

"Margo, Hannah." Mrs. Lamarr stated getting up from her bench, "I need you guys to go fetch the ice cooler. It should be by the van."

Nodding they walked away fanning themselves from the heat.

"The woman of the hour." Fiona said winking.

Sighing Heidi crossed her arms, "I saw you two walking on the beach this morning."

They looked at each other before looking back at her with blank expressions.


"Look...About what you saw-"

"What do you see in her?" Abigail asked cutting the older woman off coldly.

Trying to find the right words Heidi looked around to make sure the other girls weren't nearby, "I don't know."

"There has to be something," She whispered moving a rock around with her shoe, "First Miss. Rose and now you."

"What she is trying to saw is that we know a lot, but we won't say anything. We know what something that serious can do."

Biting her lip carefully Heidi waited a few seconds while thinking. She didn't expect them to be so mature about the situation. "Thank you girls." She scrunched her face while looking around once more, "I'm surprised you think that. I thought you two didn't like her."

Abigail shrugged, "I think she's a slut who sales her body to anyone who can give her what she wants, but I don't want to see her get hurt. I'm not THAT much of a bitch."

Watching Fiona put her arm around her friend in a comforting way Heidi furrowed her brows, "What do you mean? You think Ava would hurt her?"

They nodded while looking at each other. "It's like a whole new person shows up." Abigail stated with wide eyes, "And it doesn't matter how many times you try to bring her back to reality her evil side just takes over."

Taken a back Heidi felt around her pocket and pulled out her phone that showed an incoming call from Mrs. Hue. Why was she calling?

"Excuse me." Walking a few feet away she answered quietly, "Hello?" 

"Finally have been trying to get a hold of you all day!" The frail woman said with a hint of urgency.

"What's wrong? Are you ok?"

Silence was heard before the old lady decided to continue, "Before you left you brought to my attention that Miss. Rose was paying quite a bit of attention to Harper, So I decided to look into it."

A little more intrigued Heidi took her sunglasses off of her face and rested them on top of her head with her messy bun, "What did you find?"

"Well..." She paused, "I knew she had hidden money since she sponsored the school, so I looked into how she obtained it. She was once a student at St. Mary's Catholic Boarding school, which was shut down for inappropriate behavior toward children. I'm not sure how the school missed it when they hired her, but Ava won a lawsuit against one of the nuns who had physically abused and assaulted her. It's public record."

Heidi stood frozen trying to comprehend what she just heard.

Mrs. Hue continued before the blonde could speak, "Early this morning I obtained the school boards approval to do a check on her room...and Heidi." Her voice cracked, "It's very disturbing."

"What is it??"

"Pictures, videos, clothing, and papers... All of Harper or about her." She sniffled through the phone. "Something else you need to know."

Rubbing her face hard enough to make it red she waited.

"She has medication for Obsessive Compulsive Disorder and has been diagnosed with Narcissism and PTSD. She shouldn't be dealing with children, but somehow she has been allowed too for years."

What was she going to do? Ava Rose was not who she seemed, but everyone was so wrapped around her fingers that they didn't do anything.

"Is Harper with you?"

Shaking her head before answering out loud Heidi whispered, "No, but the headmistress is with them."
Looking up to see the other girls walk back with the ice cooler she did a double take to see the headmistress talking to them side by side. "I got to go!" She yelled hanging up the phone and running over.

"Nice to see you too Miss. Lamarr." The round woman said laughing at her own joke. It was good to see her boss in such a joyful mood but now was not the time.

"I thought you were going with Harper and Ava to her career meeting with the producers?"

She waved it off, "Ava didn't need my help with her, but you are going on a boat with four girls! What are you upset about Miss. Lamarr?"

Ignoring the rest of what she had to say Heidi looked around helplessly. She was alone with her and no one had the slightest idea of what was going on. She needed to move and act quickly but she couldn't find the willpower to do it. She could loose the one thing that made her happy before she even had her.

"Mrs. Lamarr!" The headmistress yelled resting her hands on her hips, "What is the issue?"

Looking at her with her cloudy eyes she turned to face the water trying to figure out what she was going to do. "We need to go now." Grabbing her bags Heidi started heading for the car, "I'll explain on the way."

Looking at each other with confused expressions the group decided to follow.


Feeling her head pound Harper placed her hand on her left eye to try and pin point the pain. She felt like someone had hit her with a metal pan. Looking over she sighed with relief, Ava was looking directly in front of her as she drove down the empty road. "Where are we going?"

Startled by the sudden break of silence the raven haired woman smiled and looked over, "You were sleeping so soundly. I'm sorry if I woke you up." She pointed ahead, "It's a surprise darling."

Nodding reluctantly she looked behind her seeing both their suitcases in the backseat of the car. Was this even the rental car they got at the airport? "Miss. Rose what are we doing?"

Looking both ways and making sure no one was behind them Ava pulled the car over carefully to the side of the road, "Let me see that nasty bump on your head."

Becoming tense when her teachers hand held her cheek Harper looked at the woman who studied her face. Why did she suddenly feel so scared? "How did I get the bump?"

"No more questions darling girl." Pushing a rag up to her face. Harper fought the strong hands that contained her to her seat. She tried hard to hold her breath but she was soon loosing her sense of sight and her head became dizzy, "Miss..." seeing the woman move in closer red lips whispering into her ear was the last thing she saw before she drifted back into a deep dark sleep.


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