
26 1 2

As always we went home after changing but this time we kept quite in the car. It was strange because we actually always talk about stuff or mess around. Only Naomi seemed to be happy because she kept smiling and buzz around. I suspect her to know anything about Yoongi's present. Right after we arrived I walked to Naomi and took her with my in the boxroom.
"What is it?" she asked still smiling.
"You know it." I said.
"Know what?" she played dumb.
"You know exactly what I'm talking about. You asked him."
"I didn't ask him."
"Then how did you know?"
"I hepled him."
I widned my eyes.
"Y-you what?"
She just nodded happily.
"You'll die by happiness." she said making me even more curious.
"C-could you... uh... well, give me a hint or something?" I asked.
She smiled and squeezed my cheeks like in th old times. I grimaced.
"Poor, Ryu. I guess yiu have to wait until Yoongi gives you the present." she said.
I sighed.
"I'm curious what Jimin gives me." she said thinking about what it might be. I already knew it'll be a ticket to the movies where they will watch a new K-Drama. I smirked at her.
"I will give you a hint if you give me one."
She looked at me surprised.
"You... you know what it is?"
I nodded. Butvthen her curious expression faded.
"N-no I-I won't t-tell you. Aaah!" she screamed and ran out. It's funny to see her like that because I actually know how hard it is for her. To not know something. She's mostly the one who knows everything because she is sooo damn curious. But honestly. Me too. I went to my room to take some clothers to the bathroom. I decided to take a warm relaxing shower. After that I wanted to take on my boxers but when I tried them on they fell off again.
"Did I lost that many weight again?" I asked myself jokingly.
"Looks like I accidently grabbed Yoongi's boxers."
I bit my lower lip and looked at the door. What to do now?
While I opened the door I tried to hold his boxers and walked with big steps back to our room.
But today I had a very bad luck.
"What are you doing there?" someone behind me asked with a laughing tone.
Slowly I turned around just to see a smirking V.
"I-i... I, uh... I..." my face started burning once again.
"I accidently g-grabbed Y-Yoongi's b... b-boxers." I managed to say. He bursts out in laughter.
"Shh!" But it was too late. Chanle, Lee and J Hope came out to see what's going on in the hallway. I ran back to my room and slammed the door behind me. Out of breath I held on to the door with ny back facing the room.
"Oh hey, Ryu." Yoongi suddenly said from behind me.
"Aaaah!" I screamed and covered my mouth with my hands which made Yoongi's boxers fall down and I stood there completely naked.
"TURN AROUND!" I yelled and held up his boxers again. It's a wonder that my face didn't exploded yet.
"You took on my boxers?" he said with a chuckle.
"It was an accident!" I said.
He just laughed while I quickly changed my clothers.
"Put on my hoodie." he said and held a big grey hoodie in front of me. I took it and put it on. It was way too big but it smells like him so I let it on.
"Let's go to the garden." he said and held his hand in front of me.
H-he wants to... to hold hands?
Nervously I took his hand and we went outside to the garden.
"I didn't know you had a pool." I said surprised. He just smiled and kneeled down to do something.
"What are you doing there?" I asked watching jim struggle with a socket.
"J-just give me a second." he said still struggling. Finally he managed to do it and a few lights flashed on.
"Woaah." I looked around surprised. It was so beautiful! The garden flashed in warm light and a picknick appeared in front of us.
"Surprise!" he said happily. We sat down on the blanket and he put out some delicious korean barbecue.
"Actually Jin made the food because I burned it 3 times but I guess that doens't matter as long as it's delicious." he said with a smile. I laughed.
"It's beautiful." I said.
"But this isn't my present." He smirked.
"What is it then?" I asked.
"First. Try the food." he said and held up a spoon.
He also wants to feed me???
Will I ever stop blushing? I tried it and oh my god bless you Jin. It was sooo good. Yoongi smiled at my face that showed him that I like it.
"So... Back to ny actual pesent." he then continued.
"You know, you and your group moves out next week." he began. I nodded.
"But I don't want you to leave. Sonce we're a couple I'm used to your presence."
The bush at the house wall rustled and when I wanted to look at it Yoongi turned my face back to him.
"But-" I began but he interrupted me with putting his finger on my lips.
"I know. I know. I talked to our managers and to our group members about this. And they agreed."
"Agreed to what?"
He smirked again.
"I bought a house. A big house. Not far from here. And... They allowed us to live in it. Just the two of us." he said with a big smile.
"What? Wait. Am I dreaming?" I started patting my cheek but Yoongi held me back with holding my wrists.
"No, you're not."
It hit me like a truck. A flow of fealings overwhelmed me and I didn't know how to react. I leaned over to him to hug him and peck his cheek until he tapped my shoulder.
"I can't breath." he pressed out.
"Oh, sorry." I let go of him. He chuckled.
"What?" I asked.
"Come out!" he just yelled to the bush.
Then a Naomi came out and hugged us too.
"And promise me to not hurt each other!!! I'll come over at one day in every week, okay?" she said and we nodded.
She left after a while and we stayed there feeding each other.

Soft feelings✔️Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon