Beautiful date

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*Naomi's POV*
We walked around talking to each other, telling us funny and beautiful stories in our past until I saw Ryu and Yoongi walking into a clothing shop.
"... and then he fell down. Man that was the funniest thing I've ever seen." Jimin endes his story and laughed. I acted like I was laughing too, because I didn't listen to him.
"Oh, Jimin! Look at this... this..." I pointed at the clothing shop and searched for a word that would justify my excitement.
"You mean this hoodie?" he asked and looked at the hoodie in the store window.
"Yeah! Lets go in there." I said excited and took his hand while I went to the shop. As soon as we got inside, I started looking for the two love birds.
Suddenly I saw them walking to our direction. I whidened my eyes and grabbed Jimins jacket to pull hin down with me. We hid behind a shelf filled with jeans.
"What's wrong?"
"Shhhh!" I put a finger on his lips to show him to keep quite.
"Heard that?"
I pressed my face on Jimin's chest to muffle my giggles. Now Jimin understood and looked at ne in disblieve.
"I-I thought I heard Naomi."
"Come. Lets go eat something."
We heard the bell jar on the door ringing and the door soon was closed.

*Ryu's POV*
"Daeji Bulgogi." Yoongis said.
I looked at him helpless.
"And for him a Kimchi please." he said to the waiter.
"Kimchi?" I asked.
He nodded.
We started telling us our stories and what we like and what we hate. While I told him my music career story he focused on something behind me. As I wanted to turn around he grabbed my shoulders and gave me a peck.
"W-what was that?"
"I just felt like kissing you."
Then the waiter brought our food.
"Mmhhh. Oh. My. God."
"Do you like it?"
"I LOVE it!"
"It's your first time eating Kimchi, right?"
I nodded.
We kept talking about this and that and laughed multiple times. When we finished eating we just continued talking.
"Do you know what?" Yoongi asked with a intensive smile.
"I never laughed that much on a day. It was such a beautiful day and I had so much fun on our date. Let's do that again." he said and I could see hearts in his eyes.
"I love you." I heard that he mean it.
"I love you too." I replied as the happiest boy in the world.

*Naomi's POV*
"They confessed!!!" I scream whispered. But Jimin kept his eyes on me.
Suddenly Ryu who was sitting behind Jimin, turned around.

*Ryu's POV*
"I knew you were here!" I said. I couldn't believe that she just followed me ON MY DATE. Yoongi asked the waiter for our bill and quickly gave him his money.
"Would you just give us a little bit privacy?!" I asked madly.
"I'm sorry. I just saw you two and thought it would be cool if-"
"If you follow us on our date." he conpleted the sentence.
Yoongi took my hand.
"Come on, let's go."
I followed him out.
"Aish, I can't believe this girl." we said at the same time.
"Wait, when did it become so dark?"
"Finally. Come I want to show you something."
He dragged me with him until we came to a place where trees build something like a tunnel. After we passed the tunnel of trees a platform appeared. You could see the whole city in beautiful lights and the stars watching over us.
"Woow. It's so beautiful."
"I always came here when I felt down or wanted to be alone. Once I even wrote a song here." Yoongi explained and I nodded. We sat down on the platform, holding hands and kept quite. It wasn't an awkward silence or something like that. It was just the two of us. Two boyfriends sitting next to each other, holding hands and thinking about how lucky we are.
"What?" I was shocked when his face suddenly was so close to mine.
He grabbed my chin and pulled me even closer. I could feel his warm breath blending mine. And then he kissed me. He kissed me like he mever did before. Like there's no tomorrow. And for that moment. When his lips were pressed on mine. I forgot everything. There was just him, me and our mixed breaths.
He stopped kissing me and we gasped for air before we continued.
After a while we walked back.
"So how do you plan to go back? Ask Jimin?" I saud jokingly and laughed.
"Close your eyes." he commanded.
I didn't ask, just did as he said. Once again he took my hand and led me.
"Okay, stay here." I heard his foot steps walking away.
"Open your eyes!" he yelled and I did so.
Right in front of me was the most beautiful house in my life. And Yoongi standing in the doorframe.
I walked to him and kept staring at the house.
"How much?"
"Three dollars."
I laughed and punched him playfully.
"Ryu. Do you want to live with me in this house?"
"That sounds like a proposal of marriage." I laughed.
"Is that a yes?"
"Of corse!"
"Then, my dearest and only boyfriend, come in your new home." he said and chuckled.

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