V Live

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So... I will share a room with Min Yoongi until next week. Well, that's what I wished for after all. Okay, keep calm Ryu. 

"Follow me." Yoongi said and walked out of the kitchen. I hesitated.

"I'm not going to bite you." He laughed. I chuckled and followed him. He led me to his room. It was very big and looked like a normal room for a normal grown up. I sighed as I realized that he has two beds. 

"This is your bed." He pointed at the bed which was standing under a window. 

"You can put your things everywhere you want but please try to stay clean. It's my room, after all." he explained while walking around. I just nodded and started to unpack my things. He watched me. 

"Sooo Ryu." He was about to start a conversation.

"How is it in Europe?" I was surprised by his question. I thought he will ask me something like 'How old are you'.

"Well, I just know Germany and London." I replied.

"Then tell me about it." he said and sat down on his bed which is a few meters next to mine. 

"It's always cold in Germany. Or at least most of the time. And it's raining very often..." I didn't know how to start so I just started somewhere. While I was unpacking my things I told him everything I knew about Germany and London. He was listening carefully. Like a child who is listening to a fairy tail. After a few minutes I told him everything I knew so I started talking about my friends.

"God I don't know how to tell them that I am sharing a room with you now. I don't want to imagine Naomi's reaction. Or Fabi's. Or Stevie's. But mostly Naomi's." He laughed at my worried face.

"What's wrong with Naomi?" he asked.

"Well, she's actually really okay. But since she's teasing me with-" I just realized what I was about to tell him. I can't tell him that he's the one I actually would fall in love with.

"Tease you with what?" He looks at me with a curious face. What should I say now? Suddenly someone knocks on Yoongi's door. THANKS GOD! 

"We have a meeting in the living room. Rap Monster starts a V Live to tell our fans who arrived." I could tell it was Jimin who was 'bothering' us.

"We're coming!" answered Yoongi. That'll be my first V Live. And it'll be with BTS! When we entered the room, Rap Monster already talked to a camera. Everyone sat on the couch or on the ground. Jungkook stroked V's hair, which almost gave me a nosebleed. Vkook in real life... Not sure if I can handle that. Chanle sits next to J Hope. Looks like they became good friends since they are roommates for the next  7 days. Rap Monster and Jin are sitting next to Bae Bam. 

"Come and sit down.", said Jihyun who was leaning against Jimin's legs. I got myself a place on the ground in front of Jungkook.

"Oh we have our first coment." Rap Monster looked surprised at his phone screen. 

"The fan is asking who is sitting next to us." He said before he smiled like a sunshine. 

"That's todays topic. ARMY say 'Hello' to our new friends. Their group is called 'Super Galaxy'. We already told you that we're about to collaborate with a new boy group. They are from Europe and need your support for their upcoming debut in a few months." We waved at them.

"Introduce yourself." He gave Jihyun the camera.

"Hello, my name is Jihyun. I'm half korean and half american but I was raised in Germany where I started my music. I'm Super Galaxy's rapper and I'm 23 years old. Nice to meet you ARMY." He gave the camera to Jiyeon.

"Hi ARMY. My name is Jiyeon, 19 years old and I'm Super Galaxy's youngest member. Yes, I'm also half korean but my second nation is Germany where I was born and raised. Nice to meet you all."

"Hey, I'm Lee. As you might see I am the strongest member and the most handsome one." He laughed. "I'm 24 years old and I belong to Super Galaxy's dance and sing line. I was born in China and surprise surprise, raised in Germany. Please support us all."

"HEY GUYS!" Bae Bam is always so loud when he's excited. "I'm the tallest member and no I don't have a girlfriend. What a question... Anyways, I'm 23 years old and Jihyun's childhood friend which means I'm like his brother. Also half korean and half american."

"Hello ARMY. My name is Chanle, I'm the oldest one which doesn't mean I'm too old. I'm 25 years old, don't even think about calling me a grandpa. I'm the leader of our group and also a rapper." When he gave the camera to me I could see how many fans where confused. I started to talk in korean like the others did.

"H-hey. As you can see I'm not asian. I'm the only one who is european. Yes, I'm german which also mean I was born and raised there. I'm 21 years old and a part time rapper and part time singer in Super Galaxy. I also create our band logo or our album covers." I gave the camera to Jimin.

"So now you know all. We'll tell you more in the next V Live tomorrow. See you." He turned off the camera. 

"Wasn't that a little bit rude?" I asked. 

"We just give them time to spread the news." Jimin laughed.

"It's getting late now. Let's go and sleep now. We planned something for tomorrow." explained Yoongi. Everyone said 'Good Night' and went to their rooms until only me and Yoongi were left.

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