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"What is it?" Yoongi asked curious.
"I... i... uhm..." I started to get nervous and slowly lost my courage. No Ryu! You can't lose it now! Just say it already! You've waited long enough now! Naomi would be proud of me. I still had my eyes closed like a child.
"Ihavefeelingsforyou." I bursted out. Yoongi laughed.
"What?" he asked. My breath started to get faster.
"I. L-like. Yo-you." I said a little more slow.
"We, I also like yo-"
"No! I mean. Not as a friend. More like a... a boy... boy... b-BOYFRIEND!" I hold my breath once it was out. It was silent. I opened one eye and sae Yoongi standing right in front of me with jis jaw dropped. As I started to apologize, Yoongi pulled me back against the wall and put his arms next to my head, so I was pinned on the wall.
"W-wha-." he grabbed my chin, before I heard a strange noise from the room above from us but it seems like Yoongi didn't realized it. He just had his eyes on me. I could feel my face melting now and even Yoongi blushed a little. That made his cheeks looking so soft and sweet.
"Do you know for how long I wauted for this?" he asked with a low raspy voice. My knees became soft.
"Ryu. I like you, too. More as a friend." he said and gave me a soft kiss. My face couldn't stop burning and I was afraid that Yoongi could hear my heart pounding crazy. When he broke the kiss we heard a loud scream from Jimin's and Naomi's room which is above from us.
"What happened?" That was Jimin.
"THEY CONFESSED ALREADY!" We heard her light voice. Yoongi and me looked at each other and bursted out into laughter. Her footsteps followed and she stood in our room after 2 seconds. She ran at first to me and hugged me and then she hugged Yoomgi.
"If you hurt him I'll kill you. I might look like a potato but I'm half italian, so I have my mafia always beside me." she said to him and he chuckled again.
"I won't do anything." he promised. Then she ran out again.
"Well... Let's just say: Yaoi is a very exremely big giant part of het life. Whenever something yaoi-like happens around her, you can't stop her." I explained. I expected an answer but instead of an answer he started hugging me tightly.
"I feel pefophile now." he mumbled. I punshed him in the stomach.
"What was that? It felt like something touched me. Or was that the wind?" he started teasing mr. We laughed and had fun and tickled each other until we decided to go out of ohr room to the others.
"Wait." I whispered before we got into the living room.
"Should we tell the others already?" I asked unsure about how they would react.
"Why not? You know about the other realationships so why would we hide?" he replied.
"Right. Okay, then. But just ifbthey ask." I said and he agreed with a nod. We walked in and saw Jimin, Naomi, Jin, Jihyun, Lee and V sitting there.
"Hey! There is our dream team! I already have a shipname for you!!" Naomi said smiling while the others looked at us as they would know already what happened. Thanks Naomi, my dear friend. I thought. We sat down on the couch and waited for Naomi to tell us her shipname.
" It's MinRyu. " she said as happy as a child who got its chocolate. I caught Jimin smiling at her and toom my chance to tease her back.
"What'sup with you and Jimin? Hm? You didn't tell me anything. As your Oppa I should better ask how did you sleep these days? Or couldn't you get any sleep because of Jimin-hyung?" I asked her back with a teasing voice. With every word she blushed a little more but she tried to keep her poker face.
"I slept very good and Jimin and me became REALLY good FRIENDS." she said and I could see Jimins hurted expression. Ouch.
"Guys listen to me. I'll start cooking in a few minutes because it already got pretty late again. While I'm cooking, Jungkook will make a VLive again. We have to go to sleep at 9 am already because we have to stay up very early tomorrow for our first dance practice." V explained. We all nodded.
"Just act usual and do your things. So, then. I'll tell our Kookie now that he can start the VLive now." he said, stood up and went to their room.
"Did he just said 'Our Kookie'?" Naomi asked with big eyes.
"I knew that would be the only thingh you hear." I said laughing. "Just don't get a nosebleed."
We all started helping Jin out in the kitchen or checking out at the others or telling our fans how excited we are for tomorrows dance practice.
At that point I have to say, it was the best day I ever had.

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