Rosé cheeks

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I didn't realize how much I was staring at him but when he looked at me I knew it had to be a few minutes.
"Y-yes th-they are." I agreed. He chuckled and showed J Hope our pictures when someone tapped my shoulder. It was Naomi, smiling brightly at me.
"You're so cute when you're staring at your chru-" I put my hand in front of her mouth before she couldn't say that word right next to Yoongi. We walked a few steps back before I put my hand back.
"Crush." she ended her sentence confused.
"He shouldn't know this!" I hissed at her.
"But why??" she asked.
"As an idol I can't have any realation ships! It's a wonder that you can be around." I said and checked out if my boss or Band PD could hear us.
"Does that mean idols can't be happy?"
"Yes. I'm mean no but-ah it's complicated." I whispered harshly. Out of nowhere Naomi became teary eyes.
"What? What's wrong??!" I asked confused.
"It's so mean. Why can't you be happy too? You're also just a human! You should decide who ypu can love, by yourself!" she yelled with a whiny voice. Everyone kept their attention at us now.
"Shh! Naomi... please stop crying! Everyone is looking at us!" I tried to calm her down.
"No! I'll talk to your boss now!" she said, still crying. She's about to walk to Bang PD's direction but I hold her wrist.
"Let us talk about that another time but please calm down, Naomi. I could lose my job." Actually I couldn't lose my job but that was the only way to hold her back.
"What's wrong?" Jimin appeared behind Naomi and looked at me with a kinda mad expression. Wow! What now?
"Well..." I tried to find an explenation but my head was empty.
"I just told him that I miss my friends in germany but it's okay now." Naomi said and smiled at Jimin. He just nodded amd whispered something to her.

*later at the house*
"You've done all good work!" Namjoon said proud and we clapped for each other. Naomi went straight to Jimins room where she took a shower and we guys waited in the living room.
"What was that earlier?" Lee suddenly asked me.
"What exactly?" I asked back.
"With Naomi. " Chanle then said.
"Did she confess to you or something?" V asked.
"What?! No! Not you too! Naomi. Is just. A friend!" That got on my nerves!
"Okay, okay. Calm down." Jungkook laughed.
"She misses her friends in germany." Jimin then said bit he still glared at me.
"But if I find out that you hurt her then-" he began but Yoongi interrupted him.
"Then what? Don't talk to Ryu like that. He didn't do anything wrong." He protected me. My cheeks began to burn once again. And he said that so damn calm.
"Okay, don't start a fight now. Let's all just calm down and rest for a while. We worked hard today." Jin said before we all went to our rooms.
*at your room*
"Thank you." I said after a while. He chuckled again and I could feel myself blushing again.
"I lile it when your cheeks get that rosé color." he said and smiled at me.
"Wha-what? I mean... thanks." Oh god, Ryu, stahp!!! My heart starts pounding again. I turned around so my back faces Yoongi now, to hide my face.
"Just don't get in a fight just because of me." I said.
"It would be worth it." he replied. My heart skipped a beat. I formed my hands to fists and turned around. It was a little bit to fast because I got dizzy but I remained courageous.
"Yoongi, I have to tell you something!" I couldn't even look at him. I closed my eyes. My heart is beating as fast as a ferrari and I shivered but I ignored it all. I need to tell him how I feel before I lose my courage!

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