Good night

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It was an awkward silence and I was the only one who could feel my phone ringing again. No question: Naomi was video calling me.

"So... I guess I'm going to sleep now too." Yoongi said and waited for an answer. 

"Good night." I answered. 

"You're not coming?" he asked. My heart was just heavy as a stone now. I really wanted to come with him but I also want to tell Naomi that I'm sharing a room with him now.

"I'll come later." It was a promise. He nodded before he made his way to his room.  I picked up my phone as fast as I could to answer the video call and welcomed Naomi with a mad look. she just smirked.

"Was I interrupting something?" she asked. 

"Kinda." She didn't expect that answer. I could tell that because of her surprised face. "We were about to go to sleep."

"Oh, I'm sorry. Of course I want my Oppa to sleep and rest we- Wait! Did you just said 'WE were about to' " I answered her question with nodding. She gasped.

"Not what YOU think, Naomi!" I said quickly before she couldn't as any emberassing questions again.

"Does that mean you're... you're sharing a room with HIM?" she asked in excitement. I nodded again. 

"WOW! That took long." Before I could react or do anything, Naomi screamed like hell. After that I heard a door being opened hastily. 

"Is everything okay, Ryu?" A deep voice asked. I didn't dare to turn around. 

"E-everyth-thing o-okay." I said. 

"Is that Yoongi?" Naomi asked. Please. Not. Now.

"Is that your friend again?" Yoongi now asked. 

"N-no, it's m-"

"YES! HERE'S NAOMI AGAIN!" Not this time, my dear best friend.

"I have to say goodbye, Naomi." I waved before I ended the video call. Awkward silence again. Yoongi was still standing behind me.

"She was the reason why you didn't want to come with me earlier, right?" Is that an upset tone?! No, that can't be. Just my imaginations.

"Yes." I answered. "Anyways, I'm actually really tired." I said while turning around and making my way to our room. He followed me. We laid down on our beds and turned off the lights.

"Can I ask you a question?" Yoongi started to talk unexpectedly.


"Do you even like girls. I mean in THAT way?"

"No, I like boys since I'm a boy too."

"You mean you were a girl before?" A picture of his surprised and interested face popped up in my head. I smiled.


"Woow. You're interesting."

"What do you mean by that?"

"Well... You're european and in a boy group with asians. You're gay AND a transboy." He made me smile again. I dreamed so long for this. And still can't believe that I'm actually just talking to him while I'm laying in one if HIS beds!

"Can I ask you something too?" I asked after a while.

"Belongs on what question you'll ask." 

When I was about to ask him my question a loud deep scream interrupted me. A shiver went down my whole body. There it was again. Wait... This time it sounded more like a moan... A moan? Is someone hurt? Suddenly Yoongi started to knock on the wall.

"Could you be more quiet? WE HAVE GUESTS!" he yelled. What is going on here?!

"Don't worry. That's just V and Jungkook. Or maybe Namjoon and Jin this time." he explained in emberassement. I could feel my feel my face burning again.

"You mean-"

"Yes." he interrupted me.

"Just try to ignore them."  Okay then. While I was trying to ignore the noises Yoongi already went back to my question.

"Right. I wanted to ask if you... well if you like girls or boys." Silence. 

"You don't need to give me an answer if you don't want." The tone of his chuckle made my heart flutter.

"Actually I don't care about the gender as long as the person loves me as much as ARMY does. Jimin and J Hope are the only ones who are straight. But they don't mind our sexuality. Once I had a crush on Jimin but I accepted his love for girls and gave up. Whatever, we're still best friends and I gave him up a long time ago." He said and I could hear him smiling while he was telling me that. "But ARMY shouldn't know about our real sexuality because we're scared that they won't accept it."

"Well we also have a gay couple in Super Galaxy. And we also have to hide it. It's Jiyeon and Jihyun. We call them JiJi." I chuckled. "Chanle is asexual and Bae Bam and Lee are bisexual." 

"Nobody said it would be easy to become an idol. But I won't give up my love for music." His voice was getting more weak. He's going to fall asleep.

"Good night, Ryu." he said with a weak voice and fell asleep. Now it there are only me and the noises left. After a while I decided to sleep too.

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