Chapter 50

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Jay's P.O.V.

I yawned, my eyes opening to the warmth of sunlight. I looked over at the other bed, Louise was still fast asleep in it and buried underneath the covers, out of my site. I sat up, looking around the room for my crutches which were on the floor on the opposite side of the room.

I groaned, knowing I wouldn't be able to get up without them. I could walk but it was awkward and the chances of me falling over was more than 75%. Looking around my bed, I saw the backpack I had been given sitting on the floor within my reach and I knew exactly what was in it that could keep my entertained.

First, I grabbed my phone and checked the time, 6:45am. Early, but not too early for me to be up. I was normally up quiet early, maybe 6 o'clock or even earlier depending on when the sun came up.

I reached over into the backpack and pulled out the Harry Potter book, which I was maybe three-quarters of the way through and was absolutely addicted too. I loved the book and although I was slow at reading I couldn't wait to read the rest of the series.

Dan had said there was 7 books in total and 8 movies for some reason and I wanted to read all of the books, if Dan and Phil had them and then watch the movies.

I opened the book to the folded over pages and continued reading, my mind immediately going right into the world of reading. My finger was still trailing down the page, I was mouthing the words as I went.

I knew I was struggling with reading, I only really knew old english from the bible and that didn't exactly translate into modern works. I only had an education up until I was ten, when I first ended up on the streets and even before then it was only one year in a proper school, and 5 years of home-schooling.

I continued down the page, mouthing the words and following my finger, waiting until everyone woke up.


The door opened behind me and I turned my head around to see Phil poking his head through the door, fully dressed. I waved and he smiled, coming to sit on my bed.

"Still reading Harry Potter?" I nodded, looking down at the book again. I was maybe 15 from the end, it had been maybe two hours since I started reading and had made my way through about 50 pages.

"I've got the second one in my bag if you want it for the plane back, I bought it with me because I figured you'd finish the first one." My eyes widened.

"Really?" He nodded and I threw my arms around him in thanks. "Thank you!"

His hand fastened around my back and hugged me tight, bringing me as close as possible. I relaxed into his grip, snaking my hands around his waist so I could support myself without relying on his arms too much.

His chin was resting on top of my head and as I kicked my legs out of the way I settled down again, listening to Phil's light breathing and Louise's slow, sleepy breathing.

"Are you okay Jay? We are going to have to talk about what happened the other night eventually." I felt my heart beating faster and nuzzled my head closer to Phil, letting out an audible sigh. I knew Phil had heard me.

"I know. It's just- I had hoped I'd never have to see my dad again and now that he's out- sometimes I wish I had died that night." Phil sucked in a deep breath, running his hand through my hair.

"Oh Jay, never wish that. Your father will never come near you again, and we will do everything we can to make sure he can never get you back. I promise." I sighed.

"I know you can't promise that Phil. No one can."


I listened to the sound of suitcases rolling along the ground, the chatter of voices and the sound of a voice over the intercom, announcing the next flights. I was sticking close the Louise, who was trailing behind Dan and Phil and looking back at me every few seconds.

I think Phil had told Dan what I had said earlier in the morning, he had spent a while in the other room with the latter before we went down to breakfast. I had finished the book in that time and Phil had given me the next one, telling me that I could probably watch the first movie on the plane if they had it.

We got our tickets and placed our suitcases on the conveyer belt, which would take them to the plane. Dan told me we had roughly an hour before we had to get onto the plane and until that time, we could do whatever and wander around the airport.

The airport was huge, shops, cafes, basically anything you could think of. We wandered around for a bit, going into shops and such before it was announced that we were boarding.

The plane was smaller than the one we had come across on, less crowded and even when everyone was on board, I could see several empty seats and gaps in between people.

I settled back in my seat, tightening the seatbelt over my waist and tensing my body, waiting for the time the plane took off. Dan sensed my discomfort and placed his hand over top of mine, the safety briefing doing nothing to help me and I just bought my nails into my palm, pressing them down as much as possible.

Dan saw me and pulled my fingers away, massaging my hand gently and hugging me close, waiting until the plane jerked forwards. When it did I tensed my entire body, turning my head into Dan's chest and not removing it until the plane was cruising up in the air.

"You okay now?" I nodded.

"I don't like the sudden movement and how fast it goes." I turned my head back to the screen in front of me, Dan had showed me how to use it on the flight over but it was slightly different, the remote had buttons in different positions.

"Dan? Can you help?" He nodded.

"Harry Potter? The first movie?" I inclined my head, I did want to watch that movie and possibly the one after, maybe after I read the book.

He pulled the remote out of the seat and started scrolling along to the movies, then down into series column and to my delight, he found the Harry Potter series and clicked on it.

"Do you want to plug the headphones in? You can use mine if you want, the planes one's are pretty crappy." I took them from him and plugged it into the arm of the chair, which was where the headphone jack was. Then Dan clicked play, and I was taken into the world of Harry Potter.

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