Chapter 29

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Jay's P.O.V.

I had almost blanked out, memories overwhelming me. I remembered so many different people, people I had met and people who had died because no one had bothered to help us survive.

Kate knew someone, a girl who had lived on the streets. There was a good chance I knew her, the street kids, especially the younger ones, kept in touch a lot to know who was who, and just know each other. It was a way to become friends and help each other if anything was needed.

Dan and Phil were looking at me and I glanced up at them, taking in a deep breath before settling back on the bed. I really hated mentioning it, the streets I meant, because it bought back so many memories of things I didn't want to think of, it was the worst when I was younger because I hadn't hardened myself to violence, violence against people that I couldn't help.

Pulling me back to the present, I looked up to see Dan, my head still resting on his lap, gently massaging my shoulder, bringing me back to life. I sighed, turning me head on body so all I could see was Dan's chest and shirt and I was ignoring everyone else.

Phil was still in one of the chairs but I could hear him whispering to Dan, but I couldn't make out what they were saying. I ran my hand over the bump on my head, which had started to throb again, even though I had taken the pain medication a little while earlier.

Dan seemed to notice my discomfort because he left my head alone, instead turning to call for a nurse, who rushed to his side. She lifted my head and I tried to push her away, but she asked Dan to hold my hands down so I couldn't move.

"We know she's got a concussion, but I think she's just tired. I'll go and get the sleeping medication, but I really think she just needs sleep, sleep off the pain." I nodded into Dan's chest, I had been listening and yes, I was exhausted.

A few minutes passed and suddenly I was sitting up, a pill was placed in my mouth and a glass of water was held against my lips, and I swallowed it. Almost instantly I could feel sleep creeping up on me, the medication was very strong and the drowsiness was a calm relief to the pain in my head.

Dan, I assumed it was Dan, lifted my head onto a pillow, which was resting on his lap and I yawned, trying to move my leg into a reasonably comfortable position. Settling down, I pulled the blankets all the way up to over my head and with Dan and Phil still beside me, I fell asleep.


I awoke to voices, a lot of them, all talking at once. I whimpered, attempting to bury myself underneath the blankets and out of sight. There was a call for quiet, from one of the nurses I think, and the voices thankfully ceased into near silence.

I was still resting on top of the pillow, which was still on Dan's lap and he still had his hand resting on my head, although I had disturbed him when I had moved.

"Morning Dan, is Jay awake?" It was Phil, with his low and gravelly morning voice.

"I dunno, I think she's half-awake." Dan also had his morning voice on, but it definitely wasn't as low as Phil's, who sounded like someone had auto-tuned his voice onto the lowest possible tone.

"Did you sleep okay?"

"Yeah, did you? I know you slept on the chair."

"I'm fine Dan, just a little sore. Hopefully we'll go home today and then I can get a proper sleep." There were footsteps and then the sound of a kiss before a hand landed on my shoulder.

"Jay... Jay, wake upppppp..." He was using a sing-song voice and after a good few seconds of deliberating, I stuck my head out from underneath the blanket.

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