Everything is fine

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I walked down Baker Street, about to hail a cab when I heard footsteps behind me. Not just ordinary footsteps, they were uneven with a bigger purpose behind them. What for though? I began to think. The thought hit me as I felt a needle stab into the back of my neck. Someone was trying to get to me. I instantly tried to turn around, hoping to head but them and maybe pull out the pepper spray, but I never got the chance. Whatever drug they had injected me with was taking effect all too quickly. "Alright Mr. Holmes, just step into this car here. We wouldn't want you collapsing on the sidewalk." I could faintly make out a male voice. I tried to do as I was told, but I could barely see, never mind try and walk. The man had to pretty much drag me into the vehicle.

I awoke to an uncomfortable pull in my shoulders and remembered immediately what had happened. I was being held captive. For what, I don't know. Probably information or maybe even help. How long have I been here? I wondered. That's when I heard footsteps. I light from a flashlight accompanied them. "I see your awake. It took ya long enough. You've been here a whole two and a half hours, I wonder where ever could your 'friends' be? Any ideas mr. Holmes?" I opened my mouth to speak, but something stopped me. I had a gag tied around my mouth. My wrists and ankles were also tied. "Cat got your tounge? that's a real shame." The man, short, mid thirties, and had recently had a divorce looked like he was about to continue, but my phone started to go off in my pocket. No one hardly ever calls me, why call now? It really isn't a good time, I mused. The man looked at me then at my pocket. "Do you mind? I hope not. Now, you're going to say exactly what I tell you." he steps forward and pulls my phone out of it's pocket. It was Lestrade calling. "What happens if I don't?" I wanted to inquire. He continued talking, answering my question. "I'll kill you, if you don't ." The man points a gun at my forehead. I debated this, I wouldn't mind dying, and he seemed to know this. "I'll have Dr. Watson, dear Mrs. Hudson, and Gregory Lestrade all killed if you don't say as I want. I have the resources to do that, you know." My eyes widen, but I could only nod in response. "Good. All I want you to say when you answer is; 'everything is fine, Greg' got that?" the man then proceeded to rip off my gag and press the phone between my ear and my shoulder. "Sherlock? where are you? why aren't you here yet?" Lestrafe questioned me. "Everything is fine, Greg." I responded just as I was supposed to. He was a silent for a moment before he spoke, a hint of suspicion in his voice. "Alright then, fine. I'll catch up with you at the crime scene later." he hung up and the line went dead, beeping in my ear. "Good boy. I do hope you'll always behave like this. It'd be a shame for your friends to find your body with more marks than nessacary. He re tied the gag. "Oh, I don't believe we've officially met. How rude of me, where are my manners?" he chuckled. "My name is Charles. And I know you, you're the forever infamous Mr. Sherlock Holmes. The world's only consulting detective. They say you invented the job. You'll have to tell me more about that later." I listened to him brag for a few minutes until my ears picked up the faint sound of sirens. "Can't be for us, can they Sherly? no body knows we're here." I couldn't fully respond, so I cocked my head slightly to the side as if to say; 'don't they?'. "LONDON POLICE! COME OUT NOW!" Loud voices and heavy footsteps echoed through the building. The voice I recognized first was Lestrade's. I couldn't believe he actually figured it out. I'll have to congratulate him on that later. "Shit," Charles mumbled as three armed police members lifted him off the ground and hauled him away. "Sherlock, Sherlock are you alright? what happened?" Lestrade rushed up to me, I noticed John was right at his side. "Sherlock, what the hell?" John echoed Lestrade's questions. I attempted to look down at my gag. I mean, really? did they expect me to respond with this thing on. "Of course." John knelt down and untied all my binds. It felt nice to move my arms and legs again. I craned my head to the side, causing it to pop. "That moron drugged me, when I was walking down the street. I noticed what he was going to do only a second too late." "We were worried sick, Sherlock." John sighed in relief while scolding me. How could he think this was my fault. "Oh, and Lestrade, congrats on finding me." I smirked. "Yeah, thanks. I knew you'd never actually call me by my real name. Like you could remember it anyways, you'd probably end up deleting it. That along with the entire solar system." Lestrade grins, as does John. "Alright then, let's get you out of here, yeah?" John stands up. Offering his hand to help me up. I don't need it, but take it anyways, it feels nice. Secure and ensuring. No threat of ever abandoning me.

(Hopefully that seemed a little longer. If not..sorry. I feel like I should try and make all these longer and stop apologizing. Oh, well, until next story,


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