• Words from the author. ✍

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السلام عليكم 💙

Hello guys!

| Welcome into this overwhelming journey you're about to be drown in! But before you get started, here are a few words from the main character. |

《 Aisha was sixteen years old back then. And before you feel like throwing the haram-police car at her🚨, learn to know her story in order to relate to it, and also how remorseful she was, during these past years. 》

《 So like I said, her story starts around her sixteen. Young, immature, impulsive, proud, arrogant. Those were the words that fitted very well with her personality. 》

《 She had no respect for others nor for her own self. She was selfish, ignorant and disrespectful. She was just like scum. 》

《 Aisha was highly good-looking. Something which she praised a lot about herself. She had those perfect wide-eyes, a cute nose, the thick darkened eyebrows, a pretty smile along with her whitened teeth. 》

《 She had friends She had boyfriends — She had fame. She thought, she was immortal. 》

《 "You got everything" She used to hear her entourage say. And she ignorantly thought the same until it happened. 》

《 Tears of fear and joy will join you throughout this journey. Get you tissue and drinks ready.
It's high time we finally started 》

This is her story

Dear mom, I'm sorryWhere stories live. Discover now