"I wanted this!" River called out, his hands holding up a reasonably sized blue toy gun that fired out multiple bullets at once and surrounding him were tiny little guns that did the exact same thing. His happiness was roaming through the room, showing each Aunt and Uncle is new toy before rushing over to his parents and thanking them a gazillion times before settling down next to his sister and ripped open the box with the help of Aunt Kayley.

   "What did you get Aiden?" Grandma Lily asked the last one who struggled to open the box that was in front of him. Unlike the large boxes his siblings received, his one was a little smaller, just a few inches off. His face pouted slightly in disappointment, but his excitement never wavered as he ripped open some of the packaging. Grandma Lily was already aiding him, ripping open the packaging allowing the little boy to finally see his gifts.

    With a hand tightly holding a little grey blanket given to him by his mother, he peered into the brown box. His little face turned into a small smile, unlike his siblings, he received a large brown bear that was about half the size of him. Aiden wasn't one to like big gifts, he wasn't materialistic or picky, he was genuinely happy with what ever he got and seeing the brown bear with a little brown bow brought his pout face into a bright smile.

  His parents watched carefully as their little boy, who still had the grey blanket in his hands, gently pull the bear out of the box and immediately hugged it close to him, eyes closed and he rocked back and forth savoring the feeling of the smal...

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  His parents watched carefully as their little boy, who still had the grey blanket in his hands, gently pull the bear out of the box and immediately hugged it close to him, eyes closed and he rocked back and forth savoring the feeling of the small plush toy against his body. River and Armelle were too entranced with their own toys to notice their brother looking like he was about to fall asleep whilst holding the bear. 

   Irene felt her heart gripping with happiness as she moved to hold Aiden in her arms, pressing a warm kiss to his forehead as he rocked his little bear. Archer loved the sight of his mate holding his pup and moved in front of her, his legs on either side of her body as he admired the sight.

    "Thanks momma and dadda," Aiden whispered softly, leaning against his mother's chest as he fell in love with the brown bear in his arms. The grey blanket still tight in his fists as his eyes closed and open sleepily. Irene gave a soft laugh and held her pup close.

   "You need to stay awake darling, there is still more presents to open," she told him, his head lolled to the side and up, his sleepy eyes peering into his mother's before dropping down to his bear.

    "I like this one," he whispered softly, before crawling over to his father who welcomed him with open arms. Aiden's eyes immediately dropping again as he moved closer to Archer's body warmth.

    "Come on buddy, you need to stay awake," Archer muttered to him, shaking him slightly to give him a little boost. 

    "Okay, okay," Aiden said sleepily, rubbing his eyes, but kept the bear close.

   "Yeah Aiden, stay awake," Armelle giggled, her hands covering her mouth and giggled at the sight of her sleepy brother. River walked over to him, nudging Aiden on the shoulder.

    "You can play with some of my guns," he beamed, handing Aiden  one of his tiny guns and walked away, trying to encourage him to stay awake. 

    "Okay, okay," Aiden repeated once more as he took his time to get up, swaying a little bit as he was slightly disoriented. He held both the small gun, bear and blanket in his tiny fists and walked over to his gleaming brother who showed Aiden all the toys he had received for Christmas.

    "Woot! Now that's done, let's open more!" Kayley exclaimed loudly, shaking an annoyed Miles who shoved Kayley playfully before pulling her close and pressing a kiss to her forehead.

    And the rest of the night was spent with laughter, joy and presents unwrapped. The triplets fell fast asleep on the laps of their parents as the older people drank and conversed with each other. Another happy Christmas underneath the glistening Moon and another safe year for the Donovan family. 

A.N Merry Christmas my friends! I love you all. This is kinda a cute chapter. Hope you like it!

QUESTION: what did you get for christmas? and what do you want to see next?

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