"Christmas Special"

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Snow was everywhere. It had fallen all over the land. It was cold and windy all over. Houses, building, and stores covered in snow as lights hanged all over the land showing off and brightening up the city in holiday cheer. Candy Canes all over and Christmas Carols all so well.
"It's Christmas!!" Boogie happily said as everyone was at Crimsons house happily. Crimson smiled sipping Hot Chocolate, Mine rested on his shoulder next to him in her sweater. Junko giggled wearing a black and white sweater as she tried stealing Crimson away from Mine. Sonata tried grabbing the presents as Neo and Nui held her back. Ranamon had a small cold as she sneezed rubbing her little nose. Esdeath smiled seeing this as she was cooking. "Christmas! The Presents, Decorations, Santa, and my favorite..Cookies!" Boogie explained as he held Rainbow close only to go to the cookie tray. She was a bit upset and grabbed his ear pulling him away as he cried out for help.

Crimson smiled on his phone. "What do you like about Christmas?" Audrey asked looking to him. Crimson looked over and smiled. "Just the fact that you guys are all here makes it all worth it." He smiled. All the girls smiled in aw and hugged him happily together as they nuzzled into him softly. Later on. Everyone had fallen asleep. Crimson yawned softly as he looked around. It was dark, but warm. He stood up walking down stairs only to hear a glass fall. He stayed silent and peaked around the corner. He looked over. Boogie was tied up in gift rap and struggled. Someone was in a giant robe having a mask as they wrapped up Mine as she struggled as well. "Hey!" He looked to them. They turned back and grabbed both of them easily with inhuman strength. "Get back here." Crimson ran to them. The figure simply placed there hand onto Crimsons face. Crimson coughed and soon fell drowsy as he fell asleep on the ground. The Mysterious figure laughed and soon left.


Crimson shifted around softly. He smelled warm baked goods, he heard firewood sing and burn, he heard chatter and noises. He slowly woke up. He sat up rubbing his head seeing he was in a different warm cozy bed. He looked over to the side of him seeing two other beds being occupied by Rainbow Dash and Sonata. "Where are we?" He looked around. The door opened. He looked over seeing no one but heard jingles and saw a hat move close to his bed. Soon someone jumped up onto his bed as Crimson gasped. "Hello there Crimson, it's good to see your awake. Our mother would like to see you!" Crimson stood there in disbelief. An Elf was in front of him. He couldn't believe his eyes. "Wait, Mother?" He asked and looked at the Elf. He laughed happily and jumped off leaving the room. Then someone else walked in. A female with snow whit hair, a red sweater with a snowman on it, she had a Santa Hat on and matching boots with warm PJs on. "Hello Crimson, its good to see your okay." She said softly walking over and sat at the edge of the bed. Crimson blushed hearing her cute gently voice. "W-who, you? Words, working not!" He covered his mouth being nervous and embarrassed. She giggled and placed a hand on him. "I'm Santa Claus, well my dad is, I'm new at this, I'm Samantha Claus." She smiled rubbing his head. He blushed completely but snapped out of it. "My friends were taken, where are we, and how is this possible." He asked confused and was shushed as Samantha smiled pushing her finger to his mouth to stop him. "All will be answered, your here, at the North Pole, my sister took your friends, and I got you away from her before it was to late." She gently rubbed his cheek. He blushed a bit unable to move away from her gentle touch. "How do I get them back?" He asked wanting to help. Samantha thought for a while and soon giggled happily. "When she comes over, it's a Christmas Dinner after all, why not join us, my family would be happy to have you." Samantha giggled happily and smiled. Crimson nodded and smiled.

Later On....

Crimson walked with Rainbow and Sonata heading through different rooms. They ended up in a giant room having a long and wide table having all kinds of food and sweets all set up. "Wow...this is a lot." Crimson stared in disbelief. Samantha giggled and walked over with them. "Well we do have a big family." She giggled and walked with them. Rainbow sighed sitting down seeing the empty seat next to her. "He'll be back, come on." Sonata smiled. Crimson nodded as he sat with them. Samantha smiled sitting down across from them. Headed of foot steps were heard as many walked in sitting down happily and chatting all around. Soon, Santa and Mrs. Claus walked in happily sitting down. Santa did his original laugh happily seeing his new guest. "Samantha, where is your sister?" He asked. The doors soon busted open. "Krampus is here! Don't freak out!" Samantha sighed hearing her sister act like this as she sat next to her. Two others walked behind her. Mine walked in having an elf outfit and cute little pointy ears. Boogie walked in grumpy as his ears were pointy and he had shrunk. "Boogie?!" They looked at him as he sighed. "Don't ask." He walked over taking his seat but struggled and sat down. "Okay then, let us eat." Saint Nick smiled. Everyone began to feast happily and smiled getting along. Crimson smiled eating with them. "You look cute Mine." Crimson smiled poking her ear as they twitch. Mine blushed heavily and pouted looking to him as she tried to hit him. He smiled and laughed. Boogie sighed. The affects would ware off eventually. The food was amazing and everyone was nice. "Well, it seems time is catching up, its getting late." Samantha smiled and held Crimsons hand. He blinked confused and looked up at her. She smiled and kissed him softly. He blushed deep red. Samantha blushed more and kissed him deeper. They both parted and blushed. "You should have fallen asleep, I don't get it!" Samantha blushed deeply. "Hello, I cursed him, I'm the only one who can do it." Krampus said. She smirked and pulled him over. She had short dark hair, pale skin, and smirked having cute PJS that matches her. She smirked and kissed Crimson as he blushed more red and soon passed out.

Crimson woke up. He looked up feeling someone nudge him as Nui giggled happily. "Morning! It's Christmas! Come on!" She smiled and grabbed his hand. He blinked confused and got dragged by her down stairs. Everyone was smiling and laughing as they waited on the presents. "I don't get it? I thought they were captured, we went to the North Pole, I saw Santa!" He blinked in Disbelief. He rubbed his head and was dragged over to the presents. Samantha and Krampus smiled as they both giggled seeing him and soon left. Crimson felt someone watch from afar but shrugged it off. He smiled and opened presents with his family and friends having a joyous Christmas.

The End

(Hey guys! This was a Christmas Special Chapter! Please leave a like and comment down below and tell me what ya think of the story! I DO NOT own any of the characters that belong to there rightful owners and franchise. The OC Crimson belongs to my Buddy Crimson here on Wattpad. I DO NOT own any of the media used in this story. The reader belongs to themselves. I Only own my OC Boogie, thank you. And Have a Merry Christmas!

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