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Moving to Ninjago was no doubt the scariest yet most daring thing I had ever done. It was different from my old town; the people in Ninjago are nicer yet tightly knit.

Moving here by myself, however, was exciting—if not slightly terrifying.

My city was damaged, and it only continued to hurt those residing within it. I decided to escape the cycle and start a new path across the ocean, here in Ninjago.

Despite my excitement, I was still anxious to meet the people here. But little did I know that it wouldn't be the people who caused the trouble.


The next morning, I leave my apartment in search of a job that I heard was available. I knew it was near the outskirts of the city, but I was still unsure where the exact location was. Nonetheless, I continued driving anyways.

After the tall skyscrapers began to be replaced by small buildings and houses, I decided to park alongside the curb of a gas station. After locking my car door with a twist of my keys, I start walking towards a small store.

As I get closer, I can read the print on the sign: "Mistake's Tea." The bell rings as I push open the front door.

The store was filled with all kinds of tea in shelves behind the counter, alongside intricate teapots and cups. Finally, an old woman pushes through a curtain, separating the front of the store from the back, and leans on the counter.

"What can I do for you, dear?"

"My name is Elaine, I saw in the newspaper that you were hiring. I was wondering if I could be interviewed."

She hums to herself then motions me to meet her in the back, so I follow her behind the counter. She leads me to a room with pillows on the floor. A small table sat in between the pillows, a green teapot atop the surface.

She slowly sits down, wobbling slightly, then pours two cups of tea, handing me one of them.

"Where are you from, Elaine?"

"I'm from Windy Hollow."

She nods. "You must have had to sail to Ninjago then, those trips are costly."

I nod, cheeks turning pink from shame. "I made do."

"How often will you work?"

"I'm not sure how many others are here, but-"

Mistaké laughs, cutting me off. "You'll be the first!"

I blink in surprise. "Oh. Well, full time is fine."

She waves her hand in dismissal. "I won't work you to death. I have short hours anyways."

I nod. "Thank you, ma'am."

She scoffs. "Don't call me that."

I blush again. "Sorry."

We finish discussing my schedule and then I stand up to leave. She walks me to the front door and says, "I'll see you tomorrow morning, Elaine."

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