"No you don't" Harry smiled. 

"I don't?" His words once again forced Louis to stop what he was doing. He turned his head around to raise an eyebrow at the tall boy, but still stayed in his crouched position to reach the bottom of his locker.

"Nope!" Harry smiled cheekily. He had an odd bit of confidence. "You love me."

"I do?"

"Yep," Harry wiggled his eyebrows.

"I don't think so." Louis frowned. "Must be a different Louis you're thinking about."

"If I was a girl you would totally date me."

Harry thought he might have taken it a little bit too far. Instant regret filled his mind when Louis didn't respond immediately. He started going through what he had just said, looking for any little part that potentially caused offence. Harry worried until Louis finally chuckled.

"No thanks Harriet, I'm gay."

"Damn it, the cute ones always are!" Harry said in a high pitched girly voice. The two boys laughed at the horrible impression.

They walked to English in a comfortable silence until Harry broke it again.

"If I was a boy would you date me?" Harry played it off with a big smile, but he was actually genuinely curious.

"Harry, you are a boy." Louis stopped walking.


"Are you asking me on a date?" It was Louis' turn to smirk. Harry cursed at his cheeks for flushing in embarrassment.

"No?" Harry tried convincing the both of them, but it definitely was not a confident tone.

"Okay, but just so you know," Louis looked Harry in the eye. It was adorable how the short boy had to tilt his head upwards just to do that. "I would totally say yes."

"Maybe this situation isn't so hypothetical after all," Harry suggested, looking hopefully at the boy standing next to him. 

"You know my answer" Harry watched Louis as his blue eyes sparkled. Harry loved eyes. Excpecially when they caught the light at just the right angle and everything just looked so perfect. Just one look and Harry was obsessed.

Harry was also obsessed with the fact that Louis' fidgety fingers always like to play with something. He noticed the corners pages of his notebook being curled up and played with by the anxious thumbs of his partner. Currently, they were picking and the long sleeves of his sweater, following the patterns weaving in and out.

"Are you free tonight?" Harry wondered out loud, but the question slipped out of his mouth.

"That was quick." Louis laughed, though Harry noticed a bit of restraint in the chuckle.

"Are you?"

"Yea." Louis breathed out quietly. Even though the empty hallway was quickly filling up, Harry heard the breathy answer.

"Where do you want to meet?" 

"I know where you live so..." Louis shrugged.

"Okay." Harry agreed and quickly added on, "Not creepy at all."


"If you're scheduled to go tomorrow, there should be no excuses." Mr Wikards walked through the rows of desks in his classroom. He was handing out a sheet that explained what was going to be happening. 

The teacher flashed a smile at the pair of Harry and Louis. The younger boy was now sitting next to Harry, being kicked out of his seat by some jock who wanted to sit next to a hot girl. 

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