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~Not really sure how to feel about this chapter, but it'll do for now🤷🏾‍♀️. Only a couple more chapters to go until this book is completely done😩. In the meantime, check out my next book titled "My Mother's Boyfriend"🙃~


"I mean, was I wrong for assuming? I don't think I was assuming, but she's always so secretive."

"No you weren't wrong." Lauren flipped through her magazine.

"Should I apologize?"

"Do whatever you want." Lourdes texted on her phone.

I threw pillows at both of them, "y'all aren't even paying attention to me or listening."

"We are tired of you and Bahja Okay? Every other day y'all are fighting and arguing. Don't you get tired?" Lauren asked.

"Of course I get tired, and I don't try to start arguments with her. Sometimes I get upset because I feel like she's back on her bullshit. Bahja and I have had a rocky relationship since we first met."

"Maybe it's time to cut ties... Or take a break." Lourdes looked up at me.

"What she said. Y'all need a break from each other. Go on vacation and clear your head or something."

The doorbell rung and I got up, "hold on." I walked over to the door, "Who is it?"


I️ opened up the door and it revealed a delivery man, "packages for Zonnique Pullins?"

"That's me."

"Sign here ."

I sighed for the packages and he handed them to me, "thank you."

"No problem, have a great day."

"You too."

I closed the door once he left and went back into the front room. "Ouuuu Where'd you get fruit from?" Lauren asked looking at the Edible Arrangement.

"Someone sent it."

"There's a card." Lourdes grabbed it from the side. "Still on for that date tonight. Lose the tude. Signed Bahja." She read.

I shook my head and sat the fruit on the table. "I️ didn't even have an attitude." I️ mumbled.

Lauren and Lourdes began eating the fruit, "
"What else did she send?"

"Two other boxes. I'm guessing one is shoes and the other is an outfit."

I opened up the first red box and pulled out a black dress. I held it up to my body, "This is kinda cute actually."

"She must have something fancy planned. She's never told you to wear a dress on a date."

"Because Everytime we go out we do something fun, which keeps our relationship interesting. We've gone laser tagging, paint ball shooting, skating, the movies, bowling, and my favorite ever was Disneyland."

"She took you on a date to Disneyland? How come we weren't invited?" Lauren asked.

"It was a date Lauren. Why would you be invited?"

I sat the dress back in the box as my phone flashed. I picked it up and replied to a text Bahja had sent.

From B💍: Picking you up at 7:30 tonight.

I didn't wanna give in to what she had planned so easily... She always thinks I'm gonna be happy with materialistic things, but I won't be happy until she grow up and actually talk to me.

Forever and a day (Sequel to Broken) *Editing*Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora