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You guys should check out my girl I_heart_nique2's book❤😌.


"Are you still mad at me?" Zo asked, while sighing.

I ignored her for the one thousandth time tonight. We were at this dinner with my mom and her boyfriend, and I was getting beyond irritated because Zonnique kept asking me if I were mad at her.

I'm not mad anymore, but she doesn't need to know that. I was pissed at the fact that she laughed when my mom said Kyla was apart of the family... It might not seem like something to blow up over, but it hurts.

I know that from my own experience. Once my gmommy told me and Lo that we weren't apart of the family, that my mom should've left us with our dad or even aborted us. That's why her and my mom aren't on speaking terms till this day. That was a long time ago though, but I still remember the tears that I shed from her harsh words.

Which is why I went off on Zo the way I did, no one deserves to be treated that way... And Kyla barely has anybody. Sure she has her parents, but she doesn't really see them. Besides them, I'm all she has. That's why I've been understanding and welcoming... It doesn't seem much like me, but I'm trying.

"So Kehlani, Bahja, and Zonnique, right?" He asked the three of us for confirmation on our names and we nodded, "you three are in the music industry?"

"Yes sir." I stated.

I could feel the eyes on me at my sudden use of manners. I wanted to laugh, but instead I just drunk my water.

"And Lourdes and Lauren, you two are in school?"

"Mhm." They nodded.

"And then Kyla, you're a model?"

"Yeah, I'm working my way up." She smiled.

"That's good to hear, it's nice to see young black women on a come up with such big dreams." He smiled.

He was pretty nice and chill actually. His name is Steven, we learned he works for the apple company... Helping design new phones and other technical things. It was cool. He was making a good first impression, and he was handling Lourdes's questions and glares well.

I glanced over at Zonnique to make sure she was okay. She looked drained from the crying, but she has to learn to respect others.

Funny how, in the beginning of all of this SHE was the one telling ME that I needed to respect others and learn to be more considerate. Now look how the tables have turned. I'm the one mad, and I'm, for once, not the one in the wrong.

I'm honestly gonna take advantage of this... She thinks I'm mad at her... It's a clear opportunity to mess with her and play back the game she always plays with me.

I reached down and put my hand on her leg under the table. Her head turned towards me and I flashed her a smile. I let my hand run up and down her leg and I felt her shiver from my touch.

My hand reached further up her dress and she closed her legs. I raised an eyebrow and looked up at her. She gave me a "stop" look and I smirked. I let my hand move up to her inner thighs and she latched onto my wrist, stopping me from doing anything else.

I mentally rolled my eyes, removing my hand and picking up my phone. I know how my mom feels about phones at the table, so I slid it under the table. She was paying no attention to us anyways, so caught up in what Steven was saying.

Forever and a day (Sequel to Broken) *Editing*Where stories live. Discover now