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My blood boiled as I looked at her standing the doorway, "why is she here?" I balled my fists up.

"She's just Bahja's friend. She was over here everyday when you were out." Lauren stated.

"Lauren!!" Bahja looked at her as if she said something wrong.

"You had her in my house!? While I wasn't here?"

"It's not even like that. We--"

"So what is it like Bahja?" I stood up and crossed my arms. "Let me know something because this ain't where it's at."

"She was just coming over to help me out."

"Help you with what?"

"I can't quite tell you."

"Oh, you can't tell me? It's because you're cheating right? You need her to help you fulfill your needs?"

"What? Zonnique no."

"That's exactly what it is."

"Maybe I should leave." Kyla spoke up.

"No, you're gonna stay your ass right in here. You came over for Bahja right? Stay for Bahja." I rolled my eyes at them and went upstairs.

I went into my room and closed the door, plopping down on the bed. She gets on my nerves sometimes and I feel like she just doesn't understand her actions. I don't like Kyla and she knows I don't. Why would she be in my home? Especially when I'm not here?

I rolled my eyes again at Bahja's bullshit. It's "never her" that does anything wrong in our relationship, it's always me. Yet I'm always the one yelling at her for doing dumb things.

"What is your problem?" I heard the door open and then close.

I looked up and over at Bahja and shook my head, "don't fucking start with me. You know you were wrong."

"How was I wrong Zonnique? Kyla isn't even like that. I don't even see her like that anymore."

"So what Bahja!?" I stood up, "You shouldn't even have any type of contact with her!"

"Oh but it's okay to have Lani over every fucking day?"

"She's OUR friend Bahja, she was your bestfriend before all of this."

"And Kyla was my friend before all of this."

"Your girlfriend."

"That's why you're tripping? Because she's my ex? Why? We're not doing anything and we have nothing going on. You're getting upset for no reason, but yet Lani is your ex, who you had sex with, and she's over everyday. You talk to her everyday, y'all are so called 'bestfriends' and I don't get mad."

"I don't care Bahja. She's not welcomed here."

"And why is Lani!?" She yelled.

"Because she didn't hurt me!" I yelled back, "you keep bringing her up, but she did nothing wrong. It was OUR choice to breakup. She treated me right Bahja and it would be wrong to just drop her. I'm not tripping that Kyla was over here, I'm tripping over the fact that she hurt you so bad and you're STILL playing these friend games with her. I'm just looking out for you."

Her shoulders dropped and her eyes softened by what I said. I sat back down on the bed and she sat next to me.

"I didn't realize that's what you were doing."

"You never realize anything I attempt to do for you."

"That's not true."

I scoffed and looked away, "yeah right."

Forever and a day (Sequel to Broken) *Editing*Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя